David Hughes - Founder, Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Managing Director
  • Technology Consultant
David Hughes is Managing Director of Decision Concepts Ltd, a technology consultancy that helps clients develop new solutions in the areas of visualisation and collaborative working environments. He is also Manager of Solution Development at The Interactive Institute and an Honorary Professor at the University of Glasgow's School of Art. Hughes's background includes 19 years at Silicon Graphics. There and as a consultant he has aided a wide range of industries including manufacturing, defence, scientific research, energy and museums and other exhibition spaces. He is currently working with The Interactive Institute and the University of Linköping in Sweden, on its Virtual Autopsy project and applying its pioneering technology for museums around the world. Recent subjects include ancient mummies, fossils, glass jar specimens, and a 20-million-year-old gecko trapped in amber. Hughes has a B.Sc. Hons. in Engineering Science from the University of Durham. David Hughes is a leading edge technology consultant working with both large and small organisations to combine new ideas with emerging technologies to develop disruptive solutions in the areas of visualisation and collaboration. David Hughes has a background in engineering design, flight simulation and 3D visual computing and is fuelled by a passion for innovation, science communication and experimentation. The innovation technology consultancy he founded specialises in visualisation and emerging technologies. He is now working with a leading research group in Sweden to help the world's museums digitally unlock their storeroom collections, covering a remarkable range of subjects from ancient mummies to Martian meteorites. Using cutting-edge medical imaging and visualisation technologies, this new approach is resulting in significant discoveries as well as exciting new ways that museum visitors can engage with the science. David Hughes is the founder of Decision Concepts Ltd, an accomplished and experienced IT Professional, he has worked at a strategic and practical level within major global organisations. He has a proven track record of successful innovation as well as extensive experience in both technical and commercial areas. Recognised as an industry thought leader in the areas of simulation, visualisation and collaboration technologies he has delivered numerous innovative solutions, including being granted 4 patents in the area of collaboration, visualisation and human interface technology. Widely experienced, with senior roles in sales, marketing, R&D, product development and product management working in both multinational corporations and own consulting company. (More detail ....)