Harmony Pavett

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder of Harmonic Egg
  • Managing Director, Co - Founder / Entrepreneur, Life Coach, Healer, Musician
​Since a near-death experience at age 33 derailed her high-profile life and lifestyle in Hollywood, Harmony has been on a spiritual path of discovery and self-improvement. Choosing semi-retirement, she uprooted her L.A. life and moved to Indonesia, where she began her full-time quest into self-exploration and realization. During this time, she was introduced to Bhakti Yoga (devotional singing or Mantra). Her spiritual journey lead her to India, where she studied under enlightened monks, Guru's and advanced spiritual beings. She has also studied Shamanism and worked with plant medicines to raise human consciousness. Harmony has been a practitioner of Kundalini Yoga for over 15 years and a certified teacher for 2 years. She studied and trained under the wing of late Guru Jagat from RAMA Institute in Venice, California. Her extensive knowledge of yoga, energy, vibration, sound, Mantra and healing came from her 9 year sabbatical living between Bali, Indonesia and India. Harmony is the co-founder of Harmonic Egg - Naperville where she applies her wisdom to guide clients through transformational energy healings.

Kristin Panek - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Human Design Consultant and Facilitator
Kristin Panek is the Founder and Spiritual Director of Flowering Heart Center (FHC), a not-for-profit in Wheaton, IL. After 20 years in a successful Management career at Ameritech, Kristin left to pursue transformational work with Women, involving Rites of Initiation into the Divine Feminine. While facilitating this work and receiving extensive training in India for 20 years, she founded FHC to support community healing and transformation into higher states of consciousness. Kristin has received extensive training in Human Design and offers a unique perspective, supporting her clients in realizing their big dreams, despite any limitations. Her clients feel empowered and gain a deeper understating and reverence for their true self. She is also an ordained interfaith Minister of the Seraphic Order of the Flowering Heart and is a bestselling author of 2 books on Spiritual Leadership. Kristin Panek recently released her book, Lead by Design. For your free body-graph, please visit https://www.leadbydesignwithkristin.com/bodygraph