Todd Waller - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Like so many others, the passions of skiing and fly fishing are what first made Todd Waller fall in love with Bozeman. He first came to the area in 1998. Now, Bozeman is where he's raising his young family. "We're a ski family," he says. "It's what we do. Both my kids started when they were two, and we're out there every week skiing together. Then, in the summer, we're avid campers, and we love to fly fish." For Waller, Bozeman's been the perfect place for this lifestyle and finding the ideal work/life balance. Waller's love for the Gallatin Valley, and the knowledge and insight that come with it, have enlightened his perspective as a developer. "When you get into situations of rapidly growing communities, responsible development is critical," Waller says. "You have to approach your development with much thought, from a design standpoint, from a land-use standpoint, from an environmental impact standpoint." Waller feels that rather than simply caring about the bottom line, responsible community development takes excellent care in everything from aesthetics and continuity of architecture to finding a strong balance of quality and affordability. He believes that there is a tremendous benefit to a community when those developing that community call the place home.