ZIKD - Key Persons

Beat Lüscher

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager
Beat is a designer and co-initiator of the Swiss Interactive Media Design Days in St.Gallen (www.imdsg.ch), which will take place for the 4th time in May 2022. Beat Lüscher is co-owner of a design studio and lecturer at the School of Design St.Gallen. Beat Lüscher lives and works in St.Gallen.

Dominik Sigrist

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder and Co - Managing Director of the Zurich
Dominik Sigrist is co-founder and co-managing director of the Zurich based digital agency KiloKilo. He previously worked for international agencies such as Ogilvy and Young&Rubicam. "Sigi" lectures on digital conception, user experience design and rapid prototyping at the GBS St.Gallen and the Zurich University of the Arts, ZHdK, among others.

Franziska Eriksen

Job Titles:
  • Initiator & Project Manager
Franziska is a designer and initiator of the "Centre for Immersive Art and Design". She has been working with interactive applications and communication since the mid-nineties. Her vision is to build a centre where immersion in design and art can be presented and reflected. Franziska lives in Zurich and heads the Interactive Media Design department at the School of Design in St.Gallen.

Marlene Wenger

Job Titles:
  • Curator
In her curatorial practice, Marlene is interested in the interfaces between the analogue and the digital. In her previous projects, she has worked on themes of artists' media self-representation in social media, artificial intelligence and the internet as public space. Marlene holds a PhD in art history and lives in Bern.