Amanda Clarke

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Clinic Care Team
  • Clinic Assistant

Chris Chippendale

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Chiropractic Team
  • Doctor of Chiropractic, Clinical Director

Elena Miller

Job Titles:
  • Massage Therapist
Throughout her childhood Elena participated in a lot of ice figure skating and dance events and always had an interest in body dynamics

Ella-Rose Priest

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Clinic Care Team
  • Clinic Assistant

Iva Marsoh

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Chiropractic Team
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
Born and bred in the Malaysian part of Borneo Island, Iva grew up having the curiosity and desire to help people live better lives through health. After seeing her grandma struggle with osteoporosis and her grandpa with arthritis, it fuelled her to find a way to help prevent and improve the quality of life without depending on medications. After completing her A-levels and the first part of the chiropractic degree in the International Medical University, Malaysia, Iva pursued her dreams in finishing her course in the UK. She completed her chiropractic degree from the Anglo European College of Chiropractic with a BSc (Hons) Human Sciences and an MSc with merit in Chiropractic. Iva says: "What I love most about chiropractic is helping my patients to fuller and healthier lives. Being able to guide them from start to finish on their journey back to health is the best part of my job!" Iva has helped people of all ages, from new-born, pregnant women and older people. She has also worked with Bournemouth University midwives in the Interdisciplinary Breastfeeding Clinic, where she helped mothers and babies achieve a more effective and successful breastfeeding experience. Iva has a particular interest in pregnancy, paediatrics and family care.

Jemma Robson

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Clinic Care Team
  • Clinic Assistant

Kate Holman

Job Titles:
  • Clinic Manager
  • Member of the Clinic Care Team

Kay Andreou

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Clinic Care Team
  • Clinic Assistant

Kerri Underdown

Job Titles:
  • Massage Therapist

Kerry Haslop

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Clinic Care Team
  • Clinic Assistant

Maria F Ricchiuti

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Chiropractic Team
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
Maria graduated from the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic after completing a Master's degree in Chiropractic. She has always been passionate about Healthcare. She graduated as a Physiotherapist in Italy first, then discovered the amazing world of Chiropractic and realised she wanted to be part of it. She moved from her home in Italy to the UK to train as a Chiropractor and then decided to stay. Even though she misses the Italian sun, she enjoys living in Tonbridge and contributing to the healthcare of the community. Raising the public awareness of what Chiropractic can do for people, is a major focus of her practice.

Pauline Bailey

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Clinic Care Team
  • Clinic Principal
Pauline spent much of her childhood in Africa, the Far East and the Mediterranean, where she was exposed to many different forms of health care in a variety of different cultures. This led to a lifelong interest in understanding how different treatments can impact on all levels of health. After graduating in Biology and Environmental Science at the University of Manchester, she obtained a post-graduate Certificate in Education. It was whilst teaching science that she became aware of how poor postural habits were developing at very young ages and affecting the health of schoolchildren. Since establishing the clinics in Sevenoaks and Beckenham, she has concentrated on massage therapy as a means to improve health, reduce stress levels and improve the condition of muscles and joints. Pauline says

Penny Robson

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Clinic Care Team
  • Clinic Assistant

Ross Watson

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Chiropractic Team
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
Ross was raised in Linlilthgow, near Edinburgh, and first studied Music at the University of Strathclyde, gaining an Honours degree. Ross enjoys caring for a wide variety of patients, from families with young children through to industry leaders, diplomats and executives. His previous background in music has given him a unique understanding of performing artists which has led Ross to receive requests from West End performers and some of the biggest names in music. A passionate practitioner and avid advocate of excellence in chiropractic, Ross continues to attend conferences around the globe in order to study and work with the leading minds in the field. He refined his care of lumbar disc injuries with the chiropractor to the White House, Dr. William E. Morgan. In Colorado, he studied under the renowned Dr. Nelson Vetanze (former chiropractor to the Denver Broncos) and became the first chiropractor in the UK trained in Gravitational Pattern Alignment. In the UK, Ross is a registered member of BAPAM (British Association for Performing Arts Medicine), the General Chiropractic Council and The United Chiropractic Association. Symposiums in America and the UK continue to enable Ross to collaborate with a worldwide community of surgeons, GP's and manual therapists so that he can care for his patients with the most current and refined skills chiropractic can offer. Ross Says:"It is so important to an individual's health to correct poor posture. I treat a lot of musicians and give them specific advice on how to adapt their posture. The principles apply to everyone, from children to adults, from active sports people to sedentary office workers and it's really important to address any problems as early as possible."

Sam Glynn

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Chiropractic Team
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
Sam graduated from the Anglo European College of Chiropractic with distinction after undertaking a 5-year programme. He was awarded the prestigious ‘Flavio Grillo' prize for Best Clinical Proficiency following two clinical years, during which he undertook placements working with the pit crew of a Formula 1 team, high-level athletes from Bournemouth University, and within a local GP surgery, as part of a triage pilot service. Owing to his early experiences as a Chiropractic patient, Sam appreciates the importance of taking a ‘holistic' approach to identify and address the root cause of a problem to provide lasting relief. Outside of clinical practice, Sam is a keen sportsman, playing competitive tennis, as well as golf, in which he has undergone further training to test and address physical limitations which may manifest in the golf swing.

Theo Kyriakides

Job Titles:
  • Massage Therapist
Theo Kyriakides is a qualified sports massage therapist who qualified from the renowned London School of Sports Massage (LSSM) in 2015. Originally from South Africa, he has held a lifelong fascination with health and fitness and is currently also in the process of completing an osteopathic degree. He believes in the ability of the body to heal itself when given a little helpful nudge in the right direction by a manual therapist. He started a career in massage therapy after his own first-hand experiences with back pain and the relief that massage was able to provide.

Veenah Bala

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Chiropractic Team
  • Doctor of Chiropractic

Vicky Leckie

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Chiropractic Team
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
Vicky graduated from the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in Bournemouth. Her ambition to become a chiropractor started after observing the impact it had in aiding her sister's recovery from multiple knee surgeries. She witnessed how chiropractic treatment was able to not only help the pain but also restore optimal movement in the rest of the body after many years of daily struggles. Vicky enjoys seeing first hand how powerful chiropractic can be, by adapting techniques in order to help a variety of patients; from babies with feeding difficulties to elderly with aches and pains. The drive to help grandparents to be able to play with their grandchildren or budding athletes to compete at a high level fuels her ambition. She is excited to bring hope to people so that they can live life to their fullest when their body is functioning well. Vicky has a passion for sports and enjoys playing tennis, netball and handball along with running and trapeze/Vinyasa yoga. She also enjoys long walks and baking in her free time.