Ewa Krysa - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Director
  • Founder
Ewa is a Founder and Business Development Director. She identifies business opportunities, growing and enhancing the company's presence. Ewa is interested in growth, health, nutrition, psychology, philosophy and reading.

Natalia Jonas - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Art Director
  • Founder
Natalia is a Founder and Art Director. She is decisive in the visual style of our images to make sure that these are true pieces of art. Natalia loves taking part in client meetings. In her free time, she enjoys long walks in nature with her dog and paddle boarding.

Urszula Saar

Job Titles:
  • Lead
Urszula is our lead interior artist. She is passionate about interior design and loves making things beautiful. Uruszla has a natural inclination towards design and she has a lot of interest in arts and real estate.