Updated 3 days ago
770 Township Line Rd., Suite 300 Yardley, PA 19067
Heraeus Medical is a leader in the field of bone cements and biomaterials for surgical orthopaedics and trauma surgery. In this way, the company makes a decisive contribution to supporting the surgeon and the surgical team to improving the surgical outcome. Heraeus Medical focuses on products for use in bone and joint surgery, spinal surgery as well as modern cementing technique...
Heraeus is a family-owned global technology group headquartered in Hanau, Germany. The company's roots go back to a family pharmacy started in 1660. With its expertise and resources, Heraeus has been making meaningful contributions over generations and is committed to do so in the future. Today, the group bundles diverse activities in four Business Platforms: Metals and Recycling, Healthcare, Semiconductor and Electronics, as well as Industrials. Customers benefit from innovative technologies and solutions based on broad materials knowledge and technological leadership.
Also known as: Heraeus, Heraeus Medical GmbH, Heraeus Medical LLC, Heraeus Medical USA
Registration numbers: HRB 9715 (W)
VAT numbers: DE 814096513
Associated domains: arthroplasty-symposium.com, bone-cement.com, bonecement.org, copal.info, heraeus-academy.com, heraeus-academy.de, heraeus-infection-management.com, heraeus-infectionmanagement.com, heraeus-medical-usa.com, heraeus-medical.co.uk, heraeus-medical.de, heraeus-medical.es, heraeus-medical.fr, heraeus-medical.us, heraeus-palacademy.com, heraeus-palacademy.de, heraeus-palacademy.es, heraeus-palacademy.fr, heraeus-palacademy.net, heraeus-palacedemy.com, heraeus-regenerative-medicine.com, heraeus.com.au, heraeusacademy.com, heraeusacademy.de, heraeusmedical.com, heraeusmedical.de, infection-management.com, knochenzement.org, palacademy.com, palacademy.de, palacos-academy.com, palacos.biz, palacos.co.uk, palacos.com, palacos.com.au, palacos.cz, palacos.de, palacos.fi, palacos.fr, palacos.it, palacos.net, palacos.nl, palacos.org, palacos.se, palacosacademy.com, palamix.de, palamix.org