Jaden Matt Black - CTO

Job Titles:
  • CTO
Jaden is a social and serial entrepreneur, founding companies such as, Enfocus Software, CaterCity, AutoMetrix and Summit Properties. He has also had leading roles at Blue Genie Art Industries (Principal & CFO), Citus Champagne Lounge, ROX Infusion Lounge, Enigma Afterhours, Parkside Mansion and Gourmet Catering. He is an alumnus of Colorado State University as a candidate for a BS in Electrical Engineering.

James Walsh - CEO, President

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • President
James has spent his entire professional career following the technology industry, from an engineer at Texas Instruments to a business development manager at Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). At AMD, he researched the gaming hardware industry for four years and noticed the rapid release rate of new, high end cards. He founded CEG in early 2010 with the vision of helping gamers compete perpetually at the highest level possible without the financial burden. James has a BS in engineering from Duke University and an MBA from The University of Texas at Austin.