Edward Hendershott

Beyond his professional achievements, Edward is an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Navy. His dedication and trustworthiness are evident not just in his service to the nation but also in his enduring connection to the community, residing in Oklahoma City. Edward completed his academic pursuits at the University of Oklahoma, marking the foundation of his distinguished career. Ed Hendershott and his company have been a game changer for our personal injury business. He is quick, efficient, and professional. His communication skills help clients understand and navigate the minefield of property damage claims. The feedback from our clients about Ed and his services has been overwhelmingly positive. Interestingly, the insurance companies have also expressed gratitude of being able to communicate with someone quickly and knowledgeable. Having Ed handle property damage claims and keeping clients informed and satisfied has definitely made my life less stressful and able to pursue other revenue generating interests.

Robert Ylla

Job Titles:
  • Attorney