Don Stikvoort

Job Titles:
  • Trainer
  • Master Trainer and Coach / Owner and Lead Coach
Don's working life spans well over 30 years. After his academic years which led to an MSc degree in Physics (with highest honours), he began working life as Infantry platoon commander in the Dutch Army. From 1988, Don had the good fortune of being among the pioneers who created the European Internet. They shared a vision for the potential of this new network! Don is the founding father of the European cooperation of Internet "firebrigades" or CERTs, together with his friend Prof. Klaus-Peter Kossakowski. In 1998 he started his first company, which specialised in Internet security. Through today, Don is asked worldwide for policy and governance advice, maturity assessments and special consultations related to information security and Internet vision. He is an experienced keynote speaker, was program chair for several conferences and wrote many articles and various online guides, standards and a handbook. From 1998 onwards Don added a "human arts" chapter to his life. He acquired many accreditations in the field of the human mind and therapies, and as such was certified as master trainer and coach. His training lineage goes back to Richard Bandler and Milton Erickson via his first trainers - and for his own master trainer certifications, Tad & Adriana James, and Robert Dilts. In 2008 Don started coaching and training clients. His ideal is to help and inspire people to reach their potential and pursue the integration of success and happiness. Don specialises in working with leaders, musicians, creative managers and other inspired individuals - or those seeking it. Together with his co-trainers, Don developed the online CTL course "Create the life you want in 7 effective steps", where his focus as master trainer was especially on good content and on effective and ecological application of the various techniques used. Don has given trainings in many places in Europe and all over the world, including Australia, Buenos Aires, Canada, China, CuraƧao, Guatemala, Japan, Mauritius, Thailand, Tunisia and the United States. The development of our world depends on the inspiration and efforts of all of us who inhabit it. Don seeks to contribute to a world in harmony that energises all living beings. That is best achieved by a down-to-earth approach which is based on taking positive action. On the personal level, Don enjoys life with his family along with many great friends all over the world. Don loves to do long hikes in nature, play the piano and climb mountains.