Updated today
- Age: 68 years
- ID: 52587033/12
2155 South Bascom Avenue Suite 250 Campbell, California 95008
Finney Architects (FA) is passionate about education and has played a key role as partners with a number of K-12 School Districts throughout northern California and the Central Coast by creating environments that are conducive to inspiration, learning and discovery. We specialize in Educational Design and Construction with current clients such as Lucia Mar Unified School District, Linden Unified School District, Merced-River School District, Franklin-McKinley School District, Las Lomitas School District, Mount Pleasant School District, Oak Grove School District, Pajaro Valley School District, Portola Valley School District, San Ramon Unified School District, Monterey Peninsula School District, San Lorenzo Valley School District, and Santa Rosa Jr. College. 99% of our projects are educational facilities new and renovation... Finney Architects provides architectural, planning, interiors, needs assessments, master plans and landscape architectural services, with a primary focus on K-12..
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