Chris Robinson - Secretary

Job Titles:
  • Company Secretary
Chris was co-opted to the board in October 2018 and elected in February 2019.

David Howell

David is one of the founding directors of the trust and is one of the Fintry Four who were responsible for the ‘Fintry Turbine' project.

Gordon Cowtan

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
Gordon was one of the founders of the trust and was for many years the treasurer. Gordon is currently working two days a week for the trust as a consultant, advising on the future activities of the trust and managing some of the legacy projects.

Hugh Edmond

Hugh was elected to the board in October 2012. Hugh is from a long line of Fintry residents and has himself lived in the village his whole life.

Kayt Howell

Job Titles:
  • Manager