Ann Davis

Job Titles:
  • Head of Pastoral, Health & Safety Officer, Fire Officer, Designated Safeguarding Officer
I have been a part of the team at Clowns since May 1999. I started out as a Team Leader in Cherry Room and am now an integral part of the Senior Management Team. I am responsible for the overall Health and Safety at Clowns, including being the designated Fire Warden. I am also primarily responsible for the induction of new staff, ensuring that they understand and are adhering to all our policies and procedures, as well as making sure that their wellbeing is being met whilst at work. Taking charge of the nursery's medications, I am in constant communication with parents, most of whom I see when I am on reception at the beginning of each day. At Clowns we pride ourselves in providing outstanding care and opportunities to the children who are enrolled with us. I think it is important that the staff in Clowns keep up to date regarding any changes in policies or procedures. In order to do this I visit the rooms on a daily basis, checking knowledge and understanding. I am passionate about Early Years and there is nothing more satisfying than watching children flourish and become more confident learners who, upon leaving us, are ready for the next part of their learning journey. I continue to be a part of the journey at Clowns by running a cooking club for our older children. A cross-curricular activity, cooking helps with all 7 areas of learning in a fun, practical way as the children use real produce and practice and engage with life skills they see in the world around them.

Carol Dweck

Job Titles:
  • Professor
  • S Mindset Theory
Around 30 years ago, Professor Carol Dweck (an American psychologist) coined the terms growth mindset and fixed mindset to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. A fixed mindset is the belief that intelligence is a fixed trait determined by our genes. People with fixed mindsets are more likely to give up easily or avoid trying through fear of failure. A growth mindset is the belief that intelligence and abilities can be incrementally developed through effort, persistence, trying different strategies and learning from mistakes. People with this mindset do not let failure define them and are more likely to persevere when faced with a challenge, which in turn has a positive impact on learning. My priority is to provide a safe learning environment where children feel confident to persevere if they're not there ‘yet', whilst ensuring parents have the knowledge and tools they need to foster growth mindsets at home.

Dudzai Pswarayi

Job Titles:
  • Operations Manager and PA to Head, Designated Safeguarding Officer, Online Safety Officer, Environmental & Social Responsibility Officer, Cyber Bullying Prevention Officer
I joined Clowns in August 2012 as the Limetree Class teacher and took on the role of Operations Manager and PA to the Head in September 2019. Prior to this I also had the experience of leading the Manor House classes and being Early Years co-ordinator. Having had these roles allows me the opportunity to understand, experience, facilitate and learn about the multi-faceted nature of the nursery - both as an outstanding setting and as a business. Since January 2020 I have also taken on the role of Social and Environmental Responsibility Officer which allows me to spend some time in the classroom, returning to my first passion of teaching. As a graduate of UCL Institute Of Education, I am naturally passionate about the diverse ways in which children learn. As Social and Environmental Responsibility Officer I endeavour to challenge all staff and children at Clowns regarding our social and environmental responsibilities in the world in which we live. The teachers will be challenged to offer new, fun and exciting learning opportunities that are relevant, practical and applicable to the world as the children see it. We live in a world that is changing all the time and I believe we should continually strive to reflect the world around us within the nursery. The combination of the roles above really appeal to me as a I am a multi-tasking, highly-motivated and ambitious individual with a principled outlook on life. In addition they fuel my passion to reach my full potential whilst encouraging and supporting others to do the same.

Mrs Cassidy Smith

Job Titles:
  • Head of Curriculum, Designated Safeguarding Officer, Early Years Class Teacher
I had the pleasure of joining Clowns in August 2019 as the Early Years Lead, and as Class Teacher in Limetree Yellow. Having studied a Primary Education degree, I have a wealth of teaching experience and have taught children from the Early Years Foundation Stage, up to Key Stage 2. This range of teaching experience has given me a deeper understanding of the educational journey that children make and a clear knowledge of the vital role that the Foundation Stage plays. I am passionate about providing engaging and ambitious learning opportunities for all children, as well creating a safe and nurturing environment in which they feel able to try out new ideas and take risks in their learning. I believe storytelling is the fabric of life and I am passionate about using stories as an inspiration for learning in the classroom. Another of my greatest priorities is to facilitate children to feel confident and have a positive view of themselves as learners; as well as fostering a respect and understanding for others in the world around them.

Ruth Nash

Job Titles:
  • Deputy Head, SENDCO, Designated Safeguarding Lead, EAL Coordinator, Oral Hygiene Officer, Online Safety Lead
I am a qualified primary school teacher with over 17 years experience teaching across the Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. I started my teaching career in Key Stage 2 and could see, from my classroom window, the children in nursery and reception learning through play and becoming curious, independent and resilient learners. After a couple of years teaching in Key Stage 2, I requested a move into Early Years and I feel that this was the best career move I could have made! During my time in Early Years, I have taught in nursery and reception classes in a variety of settings across London. This has empowered me to learn and celebrate the diverse cultures and communities in which we live. I believe that young children learn best through play where they can act out familiar experiences, explore the world around them and make friends in a caring and loving environment. My passion lies in outdoor learning and as a keen gardener, it is something I enjoy sharing and doing with the children. There is nothing more rewarding than planting crops of fruits and vegetables, harvesting them and eating them together. It is also a great way to introduce children to the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Tracy Landy

Job Titles:
  • Head and Proprietor, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Children Looked After Officer, Fire Officer, SENDCO ( ANC ), Oral Hygiene Coordinator, Online Safety Lead
My name is Tracy Landy, and I am the Head and Proprietor of Clowns Nursery and Manor House Pre-School. This year marks Clowns' 30th anniversary, and I feel very proud to still work alongside the first member of staff that Clowns employed back in May 1994. It has been a remarkable journey, which began in…