Anna Zajac

Job Titles:
Anna has a gift, a kind of magic you might say, for finding solutions where none seem to exist. Her energy is the clinic's heartbeat, pulsating through our day with liveliness and joy. Anna doesn't just manage appointments and greet our patients; she creates an atmosphere that feels like home. Her ability to listen, empathise, and uplift is unparalleled, making every interaction a positive and memorable experience.

Dr Lorenzo Bonifazi

Job Titles:
Dr. Lorenzo Bonifazi stands as a pillar of dental excellence. As our resident Oral Surgeon and Implantologist, with a career that spans the globe, Dr. Bonifazi brings an unparalleled depth of knowledge and an artist's precision right into the heart of Fulham Dental Clinic. What Dr. Bonifazi cherishes most about his role at Fulham Dental Clinic is the opportunity to make a real difference in people's lives. It's this passion for transformative care that drives him, ensuring that each patient's experience is tailored to their unique needs and aspirations. Dr. Bonifazi's expertise is not confined to the operating room. He is a maestro of patient care, blending warmth, empathy, and professionalism to put even the most anxious patients at ease. His approach is holistic, considering not just the immediate treatment but the long-term health and well-being of his patients. As a leader in oral surgery and implantology, Dr. Bonifazi is also a respected Teaching Tutor in the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences at the University of Bologna. This position reflects his commitment not just to practicing dentistry at the highest level, but also to passing on his knowledge to the next generation of dental professionals. Patients and colleagues alike are inspired by Dr. Bonifazi's dedication and skill.

Dr Milka Grancharova BDS

Job Titles:
At Fulham Dental Clinic, we're not just a team; we're a family. And one of our most beloved family members is Dr. Milka Grancharova. With a magic touch in orthodontics and general dentistry, she's transforming smiles and making dental wishes come true. Dr. Grancharova's journey in dentistry is paved with success and smiles. She became a dentist not just because she loves teeth, but because she believes in making every dental visit a positive adventure. Her expertise in straightening smiles and maintaining dental health is unparalleled, making her a true dental wizard. But why does she love working at Fulham Dental Clinic, you ask? "It's the magic in the air," she says with a twinkle in her eye. "Here, we don't just fix teeth; we create joy and spread smiles. And there's nowhere else I'd rather be." Dr. Grancharova thrives in the clinic's atmosphere of warmth and kindness, where every patient is treated like royalty. Patients adore her not only for her skillful hands but also for her heart of gold. She has this unique way of explaining dental procedures with stories and analogies, making everything seem so simple and less daunting. It's like sitting down for a chat with a friend, where you leave not just with a healthier smile, but also with a lighter heart.

Dr. Alberto Li Greci

Job Titles:
  • DENTIST - DIPDENT ( PALERMO ) ​ Dentist, Laser Gum Therapy, Periodontal, Disease Treatment DipDent Palermo 2011 GDC 263028
Dr Alberto Li Greci attended Dental School at the University of Palermo and graduated in Dentistry in 2011. Since his graduation Alberto has worked extensively throughout Italy and in more recent years has made the UK his base. He has a keen interest in Periodontics, Endodontics and Prosthetics, using all the latest technologies present in the dental field, such as the operating Microscope, Molecular biological tools and dental lasers. When not at the practice Alberto Li Greci takes every opportunity to travel far and wide and of course back to his beloved home town Palermo, Sicily. Alberto's gentle manner and caring nature combined with a positive attitude make patients feel reassured and at ease very quickly. His colleagues are delighted he is part of the team.

Dr. Krzysztof Chlodny

Recognised across the UK for his exceptional skill in endodontics, Dr. Krzysztof Chlodny has earned a reputation as the dentist who saves teeth that others might deem beyond repair. Specialising in restorative dentistry and prosthodontics, with a profound passion for endodontics, Dr. Chlodny brings to our clinic a commitment to preserving natural smiles. His expertise lies not just in treating the surface but in delving deep to the root of dental issues, ensuring the longevity and health of each tooth he saves. This dedication to conservation over extraction has transformed countless smiles, reinforcing our belief in the power of expert care. Dr. Chlodny's patients often speak of his warm and approachable nature, emphasising how his reassurance and clear explanations transform their dental journey. He is valued not only for his technical skills but for his ability to put patients at ease, guiding them through their options with compassion and understanding. It's this patient-centric approach, combined with his unmatched skill in endodontics, that sets Dr. Chlodny apart. "Every tooth saved is a victory," Dr. Chlodny often says, reflecting his belief in the importance of preserving one's natural smile. His work goes beyond mere treatment; it's about restoring confidence, functionality, and well-being. Dr. Chlodny's tireless dedication to saving teeth has not only earned him recognition as one of the UK's leading dentists in endodontics but has also made him a cherished hero among his patients. Join us and experience the exceptional care of Dr. Krzysztof Chlodny, where your smile is guarded with the utmost dedication and expertise. With him, your dental health is not just treated; it's cherished and preserved for a lifetime.

Justyna Kamecka

Job Titles:
  • PRACTICE PRINCIPAL / Clinical Director, Dental Therapist DipDT ( RCSEng ) DipDH ( RCSEng ) 2013 GDC 161308

Mr Miki Wojciechowski

Job Titles:
While Miki's eyes are set on the noble pursuit of becoming a dentist, his heart is fully dedicated to his role as Justyna's right hand and the leader of the nursing team. He leads by example, demonstrating not just how tasks should be done, but how they should be done with compassion, precision, and a smile that can light up the room. Miki is a mentor, a guide, and a friend to the entire team, and his dream of becoming a dentist is shared by everyone at the clinic, who support him wholeheartedly, knowing that his success will be a triumph not just for him but for the entire community he serves. Join us at Fulham Dental Clinic, where Miki and the rest of our exceptional team are waiting to welcome you with open arms and bright smiles. Experience dental care that goes beyond treatment, in a place where every patient is treated like family, and every visit is a step towards a brighter, healthier smile. Because here, under the watchful eye and gentle hands of Miki, you're not just in good hands; you're in the best hands.

Mrs Ania Nalewajko

Job Titles:
  • PRACTICE MANAGER / Practice Manager, Treatment Coordinator
Ania believes in magic. Not the kind found in fairy tales, but the real magic of making people feel valued, cared for, and listened to, from the moment they step into our clinic. With a smile as bright as the morning sun and a heart as wide as the sky, Ania turns every visit into a comforting, joyful experience. "Each person's story is unique, and I'm here to make sure they know just how important they are to us," she says, weaving her spell of warmth over old friends and new faces alike. As the maestro of our reception, Ania is much more than a Practice Manager. She's a guardian of first impressions, a provider of support, and a beacon of help. Patients old and new find in her a confidante and a guide, as she navigates them through their dental journeys with ease and grace. Her desk isn't just an office; it's a haven where worries are eased and smiles begin. But Ania's love doesn't stop with our patients. She's the glue that holds our team together, cherishing her teammates as if they were family. Step into our clinic, and you'll feel it too-the enchantment that Ania weaves, making every visit not just a dental appointment, but an experience filled with care, understanding, and the joy of being truly valued. Welcome to Fulham Dental Clinic, where Ania and our team are eager to make you smile, not just with our dental expertise, but with the heart and soul we pour into every moment.

Mrs Marta Ethemi

Job Titles:
  • Dental Nurse
In the bustling corridors of Fulham Dental Clinic, where expertise and empathy blend seamlessly, Marta brings not just skill and knowledge to her role but a depth of compassion that touches the hearts of all who meet her. Marta's journey in dentistry is driven by a genuine love for patient care. With a reassuring presence, she ensures that each patient's experience is comfortable, calm, and above all, caring. But what truly sets Marta apart is her unwavering dedication to making a difference in the lives of those she cares for. Whether it's providing a comforting word during a procedure or sharing a smile that lightens the room, Marta's actions reflect her deep-rooted belief in the power of kindness and the impact of a caring approach.