Kate Ashmore

Job Titles:
  • Company Director
  • Director Role
In addition to her director role at Gemini Genetics, Kate is also Director of our sister companies, Stallion AI Services and Elite Kennel Fertility. Kate is a specialist within the field of equine and canine reproduction and provides a wealth of knowledge both scientific and managerial, to ensure the highest standards of company operation and sample processing.

Lucy Morgan

Job Titles:
  • Company & Laboratory Manager
Lucy is an Animal Health and Welfare graduate from Harper Adams University. Employed at Stallion AI Services since 2017, Lucy specialises in the cryopreservation of animal biological samples, for use in breeding programs and, via Gemini Genetics, for animal regeneration. Lucy is also a devoted animal owner, with horses, sheep and a much loved and very special cat called Hector! Being a pet owner, Lucy fully understands the impact of losing a treasured animal who is your soul mate, family member and utter best friend in life. Combined with specialist scientific expertise, this means that Gemini Genetics is fully equipped to support and facilitate pet owners in their desire for pet genetic preservation and cloning.

Tullis Matson

Job Titles:
  • Company Director
  • Founder and Director of Our Sister Company, Stallion AI Services
Founder and director of our sister company, Stallion AI Services, Tullis Matson is a leading figure in the world of both equine and canine artificial insemination. In addition to Gemini Genetics, he is also director of Elite Kennel Fertility and the founder and chair of charity Nature's SAFE, which uses genetic preservation to help save animals from extinction.