Adrian is an IBCLC and owner of Huron River Lactation located in Milford. Adrian has long been a fantastic resource for lactating parents in the community and we are thrilled to partner to offer lactation preparedness classes to all homebirth clients at no additional cost to them.

Kaleen Mallon

Job Titles:
  • Student Midwife
Kaleen is a doula, who after two beautiful home births of her own felt called to learn midwifery and provide the care to her community that she received. Kaleen attends Southwest tech, and has taken on the role of primary student in our practice, helping to lead and teach less senior students and help provide the patient lead care that we pride ourselves on at MMC. Kaleen offers placental encapsulation with discount for Michigan Midwifery Co patients.


Mercedes is a third year midwifery student, doula, mother of five. She has long had a passion for pregnancy and birth. Coffee and CrossFit give her the energy she needs to also attend births with MMC as a birth assistant and we are so pleased that she's made room for us.