Updated 490 days ago
201 Sullivan Way, West Trenton, NJ 08628
When you enter the Trenton City Museum in 2023 - whether to see a contemporary art exhibition, lose yourself among our collection of historic Trenton artifacts, volunteer with a children's art workshop, or step up to our Freedom Friday open mic - you share in a cultural and community resource that grows and thrives thanks to the dedicated people of the Trenton Museum Society...
Be a part of history as we unveil gorgeous Trent Tiles reissued from their original molds. These exquisite pieces are not only on display but also available for bidding in our silent auction. Take home a piece of artistry and heritage...
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Trenton Museum Society, Thursday, October 19th, 2023 from 6:30 - 10:00pm Trenton Country Club 201 Sullivan Way, Trenton, New Jersey.