Jill Offord

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Director / Director of Finance Broking Business for 18 Years
Director of finance broking business for 18 years Currently building relationships with accountants Retired primary school teacher I enjoy reading, trying to keep fit, cooking and travel Just taken up learning a musical instrument Worked at the Wildfowl and Wetlands trust

John Offord - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
30 years in the invoice and asset finance industry Held Director roles at Alex Lawrie Factors (now Lloyds Commercial Finance), Ultimate Finance Group PLC, IGF Invoice Finance and HH Cashflow Finance. Provided consultancy to this sector and SME clients for 13 years I enjoy watching rugby, playing tennis, reading & entertaining Married to Jill and we have 2 grown-up children My claim to fame - I used to appear in The Archers