Daniel Moon

Job Titles:
  • Sales Executive
Father of 2 humans and his own personal zoo. A fan of heavy music that gives most people a headache and spends free time going to gigs and festivals.

Denise Pattenden - COO

Job Titles:
  • Director of Operations
A crazy cat lady who loves a challenge and enjoys a few glasses of fizz! Top Personal Assistant, Office Manager, Wife and Mother! Denise loves the ones who are in her life and make it amazing.

Emma Evernden - VP of Sales

Job Titles:
  • Director of Sales
Hugely focused, bubbly and full of life. Loves good banter, shoe addict and has a huge love for her house bunny and weekends away with the husband.

Jon Barrett

Job Titles:
  • Managing Editor / Leaving Colchester Institute
with qualifications in 3D Product Design, Jon began his engineering career in the automation industry, with involvement in the research, design, manufacture and installation of factory robots. During his publishing career, Jon has continued to develop his mechanical, electronic and software skills.

Katie Williams

Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer

Liz Poole

Job Titles:
  • Circulation Account Manager
Enjoys her holidays in the sun, her gardening and annoying the boys in the office! Liz will always be the first up when treats are brought into work.

Mark Leary - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Publisher
Mark is extremely passionate about MMG and this has not changed since the companies first day of trading! Always wanting to improve and develop MMG's portfolio, Mark is a big believer in looking after his staff, publishing the best publications and products possible. Found regularly Visiting client‘s in the US, Mark is a seasoned traveller and looks forward to precious time at home with his family, when he's in the country!

Thomas Smart

Job Titles:
  • Director of Media & Communications
Also known as Tim, Jeff, Chief Beak and Professor Smart, hates writing despite secretly loving it! Has been known to dab or scream yeet in the workplace much to the dismay of other colleagues, Rated 7th in the Top 10 worst Tinder Matches Contest.

Vicky Leary

Job Titles:
  • Circulation Manager
  • Director
There from the very start of Electronics Sourcing, Vicky likes to think she is the engine room of the company! Without her, the guys in the studio would have their (In her opinion) awful music on all day.