QUALIST - Key Persons

Cem Tüfekçi - CEO, Chairman, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Chairman of the Board
  • Founder

Dr. Eren Soyak

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
Dr. Eren Soyak received his BS, MS and PhD degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2003, 2006 and 2011 from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. From 2003-2009 he was a lead embedded software developer for Ingenient Technologies, Rolling Meadows, IL, where he built embedded video processing and compression systems for consumer electronics and telecoms infrastructure. From 2011-2015 he was the Director of System Engineering and Research for AirTies Wireless Networks, Istanbul, where he built teams, products and intellectual property for home WiFi networks. Since 2013 he has been teaching as video processing and applied networks as adjunct faculty in the Computer Engineering department of Bogazici University, Istanbul. From 2015-2016 he co-founded Lifemote Technologies, a startup building cloud-based computer vision products to quantify newborn health. Since 2017 he has been the co-founder and CEO of Lifemote Networks, which offers a cloud AI service for Internet Service Providers to monitor and manage their home networks. Dr. Soyak also serves on the board of Qualist.

Gökay Turanlıoğlu

Job Titles:
  • General Manager
Gökay Turanlıoğlu began his career at Merrill Lynch's Private Client Group in New York City, USA, and later focused mainly on Private Equity and Venture Capital. In 2006 Gökay joined Esas Holding's Strategic Planning and Business Development team in Istanbul, Turkey, taking on key roles in several investment projects and M&A deals in food & beverage, aviation, real estate, retail, and healthcare. Later in 2011 he joined Soyak Holding's Cement Group,Traçim Cement A.S.,as Business Intelligence Coordinator and jointly serves as Business Development Coordinator for the private technology investment fund at Soyak.

Veysel Kartal

Job Titles:
  • Financial and Administrative Affairs Director
He started his career in 1996 as an Accounting Specialist. He has worked as a manager in companies such as Hepsiburada, Gezisitesi, Vaillant, Markafoni, D-Smart, Morhipo ve Hızlıal with a focus on E-Commerce since 2005. He specialized in setting up financial and administrative systems and system development. He started to work as Financial Affairs Manager at Suzuki in 2016. He has conducted the first online transitions for E-Invoice, E-Archive, and E-Record in many of the companies he had worked. He focused on system setup and solving the problems of the current system in question. At four of the companies he worked, he managed the transition operations from various programs to SAP. He focused on system accounting instead of classic accounting and became the follower and practitioner of innovations. His areas of specialization are System Setup, System Optimization, Accounting, Operations for Financial and Administrative Affairs. He has been working with us as a Financial and Administrative Affairs Director since 2019.