DSM - Key Persons

Ben Gill

Job Titles:
  • Mechatronic Engineer
Ben looks after the electrical / electronic side of our machines, as well as mechanical design as well! Ben's good industry experience is helpful, with robotic welding, sheet metal processing and a commercial pilot's license to boot!

David Miller - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
David (or DM as we call him) has a knack for solving engineering problems with out-of-the box solutions, passion for clever ideas, and the skills to turn those ideas into real products. He has extensive experience in the medical industry, having completed research and development for a number of successful medical products. Ongoing DSM support some medical device companies with new technologies and improved manufacturing systems. (We can't show you exactly what these are - as they are often subject to patents, or are trade secrets). We like helping our clients develop IP.

David Staer

Job Titles:
  • Developer / IT Support
Known as D3 around here, he is the guy we call when the internet, software, or phone system is down. He provides IT support to DSM and specialises in the programming aspect of our engineering projects, although we are gradually converting him into an all round engineer.

Irena Sulek

Job Titles:
  • Administration
Irena is the first face you see when you come to DSM and is often the first voice heard when calling. Irena is the constant and life stream of DSM and is always happy to help.

Jackson Flavel

Jackson is part time with DSM at the moment, while he finishes his Engineering studies. Although some weeks he seems to be here a lot! He is a valuable part of the workshop team, and also loves assembling new machines, and solving problems, especially if it involves large devices for one of our YouTube channel customers (like a really large hammer - so large you may say HowRidiculous is that)!

Josh Errington

Job Titles:
  • Engineer
Josh is one of our unusual staff members (although we all are to a some extent). Josh is a qualified engineer, a qualified machinist, and also a PhD in archeology. Yes - that's right - a PhD! Josh loves to work in various areas of DSM, and is at home in the workshop or writing technical reports or on site helping solve a problem for a client.

Michael White

Job Titles:
  • Mechatronic Engineer
Michael looks after the mechanical design side of a lot of our machines, as well as the design and drawing aspects of our projects. Michael has good experience in hydraulics and also robotics. In his spare time Michael is into building his own fancy robots.

Rachel Mansfield

Job Titles:
  • Administration
Rachel works part time in our administration department, trying to keep everything running as smoothly as possible. She also has a PhD (in ancient coins), so discussions at smoko can get very niche.