ELEION GROUP - Key Persons

Candy Lam

Job Titles:
  • Partner
  • Partner Maria CPA Senior Accounting Manager
  • Partner Read Bio
Biography A CPA, CA for 15 years now, Candy Lam a Partner at Eleion Professional Group. She still remembers completing those aptitude tests in school to determine potential career paths. "With my aptitude for numbers, I scored high in accounting, plus my dad always stressed the importance of finances in business." As a student of the Bachelor of Commerce with Cooperative Education at the University of Alberta, one of Candy's work placement was in the accounting department of a private company where she gained valuable real life accounting experience that no textbook can teach. When she graduated, she knew accounting was going to be her career and articled with a public accounting firm, where she rose to the position of Senior Manager. In her role at Eleion, she derives great satisfaction from providing the knowledge, advice, and assistance that clients need for their businesses to thrive. She is honored by the trust clients give her and as a result, is determined to persevere even when the answers to a problem are elusive. "I don't quit until I get those answers," says Candy. Being a member of BNI for 6 years, she attributes her speaking and networking skills to the weekly meetings. In the community, she's giving back by taking on the role as Treasurer for her neighborhood residents association. Growing daughters caused Candy to assess her work-life balance at her previous job. "Here at Eleion, I have found the flexibility and time I need to balance my work time with my family time." Winters will find Candy and her family at the mountains skiing; but in summers, they will be at the mountains camping in tents and travel the biking trails. An avid dragon boat enthusiast, she is looking forward to the team resuming their training.

Ida Colby

Job Titles:
  • Founding Partner
  • Partner
  • Partner Candy Lam CPA, CA Partner
  • Partner Read Bio / Jennifer Steckly CPA, CA / Partner Read Bio
  • Rosie Surendra Accounting Administrator
Biography A founding partner of Eleion Professional Group, Ida Colby is a skilled and talented Chartered Professional Accountant with a flair for problem solving. She has worked in public accounting for over 31 years. Ida has vast experience with tax planning, review engagements, financial statements, and not-for profit audits. "I have a fondness for tax research" says Ida. "What I discover can really benefit our clients." Because she has dealt with a wide variety of businesses over the years, her clients can count on her to find answers to specific accounting challenges. She is also the firm's "go-to" person for estates and final tax filing. Justly proud of Eleion's growth over the past 8 ½ years, she is projecting continued growth for the business. "Jennifer and I started with just one parttime admin person. Now we have 10 staff onboard." A member for over 10 years, Ida hones her speaking and networking skills at weekly BNI meetings. She also serves on the Board of the West Edmonton Business Association (WEBA). With three young grandchildren - all boys, Ida has a busy and fun home life. In the summer, she and her husband enjoy camping at an RV park in Sylvan Lake. When time permits, they still love to travel.

Jennifer Steckly - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Managing Partner
  • Member of Both the Edmonton Business Collective
  • Partner Read Bio / Jennifer Steckly CPA, CA / Partner Read Bio
  • Partner Rosie Surendra Accounting Administrator
Managing Partner, Jennifer Steckly considers Alberta to be the "land of small business". Born with strong entrepreneurial genes, she has a passion for business owners. "The entrepreneurs I work with are the geniuses. It's a joy to watch what they create - I get to track their growth." In the community, Jennifer is a member of both the Edmonton Business Collective and the Women Presidents Organization (WPO). As Vice-Chair of the Board of the Momentum Walk-In Counselling Society, she takes particular pride in the non-profit society's ability to affect change in the lives of those in mental and emotional distress.

Maria Almond

Job Titles:
  • Accounting Manager
Maria Almond is the Accounting Manager at Eleion Professional Group. Following her parents' wishes, she pursued an engineering degree - but very quickly learned that it was not her calling. She immigrated to Canada in 2004 in pursuit of the Canadian dream. She received her accounting degree at NAIT in 2018 and was awarded with her CPA designation in January 2021. With 6 years of public accounting experience, Maria's favorite part of being an accountant is connecting with people - whether it's training the junior staff or helping clients with their business needs! Outside of work, Maria volunteers her time to mentor business students and provide them guidance and support as they navigate their way to becoming future CPAs. This is her way of giving back to the student community who came through for her when she was the one needing guidance. When she is not busy assisting clients, Maria can be found binge-watching documentaries or working out with her husband Stu. She enjoys walking on the treadmill with her dog, Loki! Fun fact: according to her DNA test, Maria is 1% Irish!

Maria CPA

Job Titles:
  • Accounting Administrator Read Bio / Maria CPA / Senior Accounting Manager Read Bio
  • Senior Accounting Manager
  • Senior Accounting Manager Jennifer Steckly CPA, CA Partner
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Rosie Surendra

Job Titles:
  • Accounting Administrator
  • Accounting Administrator Read Bio / Maria CPA / Senior Accounting Manager Read Bio
  • Rosie Surendra Accounting Administrator
Biography Rosie Surendra is the Accounting Administrator at Eleion Professional Group. She brings years of experience in Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and administration. Before entering the world of numbers, Rosie followed in her father's footsteps in the Automotive Industry and branched out to become a Journeyman Parts person. Second year Apprenticing at NAIT convinced her that path was not what she wanted. An administrator position for a large electronics firm opened the doors for her promotion to accounting, where she spent her time traveling to all the branches to help them manage and monitor their day-to-day operations. Each new company she worked from there has added to her skill set. Rosie has worn many hats in her life. What she finds most rewarding about working at Eleion is the ability to be hands-on. "The fact that I can be part of a file at the start and then see it come to completion is great." A very social person who is easy to get along with, Rosie finds the busy, lively work environment energizing. Always up for a challenge, she likes to take a new assignment and run with it. Spending time with her 5-year-old daughter makes Rosie smile, especially when they visit the splash park on a hot, summer day. True Crime is her favorite book genre.