Bonitto Grange

Job Titles:
  • Life Coach
  • Relationship & Life Coach
Bonitto Grange is an amazing life coach with a huge heart. I believe this man is so blessed. He is able to help you dig deep into your emotions and strive to be the best version of yourself. I find that, not only does he have an impeccable way of getting you to be at ease in talking about your own struggles, ​but it is his step by step questioning that causes thought provoking realizations about deficiencies in our lives and how we need to fix them. ​He epitomizes the best in what to expect from a life coach; pleasant, respectful, thoughtful and caring. I am glad to have Bonitto Grange as a life coach, to say I highly recommend him would be an understatement to his God given talent

Brynda Roche

Job Titles:
  • Life Coach
I believe that in order to have effective communication with everyone who crosses your path or is in your life, it is so important that we effectively learn to identify and speak their "Color" Language. Brynda Roche has worn many hats throughout her career life ranging from Hairdresser, Bank Representative, Special Needs Associate, Network Administrator, Computer Instructor, Choices Coach, Divorce Care For Kids Facilitator, Rainbows Group Facilitator and currently is a Successful Entrepreneur in an Innovative Global Based Business as well as a True Colors Facilitator. She is an active member of many Networking groups such as Womanition, eWomen, Edmonton Women Connect Group, She strongly believes that everyone can achieve what it is their heart desires with no limitations and that we are all designed to live a life of purpose and fulfillment and begin to meet our destiny with arms open wide. She has an extreme passion to inspire and empower others to soar to the heights of their God Given potential and discover who they truly are meant to be inside and out.

Dr. Billy Strean

Billy's commitment is that your work together will be interesting, challenging, and very valuable for you

Elizabeth Manuel

Job Titles:
  • Relationship & Life Coach
I have dedicated my life to helping people find their happiness and be able to share their gifts and skills with the world in a productive, life affirming way Elizabeth Manuel B.Ed.,CACE, is passionate and refreshing. Elizabeth is dedicated to providing individuals with the tools to live richly and fully. All change begins within each individual and then radiates out into a healthy vibrant workplace. Elizabeth has studied the Science of Universal Principles for well over 15 years, her motto is "Enhance your mind…Enhance your life! Elizabeth brings over 20 years of varied business experience ranging from selling to management to training and development. Elizabeth combines her University Education, practical life experience and a variety of holistic designations including a 1st Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, to offer unique, thought provoking workshops and seminars!

Frank Thomas

Frank Thomas believes that people who do good work should have a great place to work. Because of this Billy is excellent for those looking to improve their occupational situation. Thankfully, Frank has been clean and sober since June 2, 1989 and he has a lovely wife and three kids who have never seen him drink alcohol or truly lose his temper. His life was coming full circle as he jokes about his last posting on his fourth naval ship. He was the Retail Exchange Manager and he was also the Addictions Facilitator. He would sell everybody their alcohol and tobacco and then he counselled you if you had an addiction problem. Frank was released from the military in June 1997. He took his naval uniform off on a Friday in Halifax NS and wore a suit on the following Monday in Edmonton doing the same job. At this point in his life, the questions he reflected on changed. The focus became transitioning from military service to the private sector. He was never prepared by the military for this and there was a lot to learn and discover which was right up Frank's alley of knowledge acquisition. Frank always had a desire to be his own boss and finally became a small business owner in 1999. Even though his business was unsuccessful Frank as usual took this time to learn as much as possible from the numerous business owners he met. Instead of focusing on a lost opportunity he moved forward with his new knowledge and went back to work for the military again. After 14 knee surgeries and one back surgery Frank was put on permanent long term disability for chronic pain in September 2008. Within the next four years he another bilateral knee surgery and was diagnosed with Chronic Pain Syndrome, Hemochromatosis, COPD, Peripheral Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Clinical Depression. Talk about an eventful time. Frank resorted back to his previous training and tried to learn as much as he could about his medical conditions. There was no "why me" instead it was how do we deal with this as a family? He has learned to follow a strange routine of napping every day and crashing for 15 plus hours once a week. Frank's positive attitude and sense of humour keeps him going one day at a time. After six years Frank is ready to talk about the many facets of his life experiences. He truly believes sharing is a huge step to healing.

M. Terry

Talking to Bonitto is like talking to a friend who really cares about your well being. He really makes the whole session so comfortable and safe. He's not afraid to push your thinking past the boundaries that are self inflicted. ​One of our very first sessions was so impactful ​I often use it with my own clients. I appreciate his insight, intellect and often common sense approach in situations where I have felt stuck. If you're not sure this is what you need, give him a try, I'm confident you won't be disappointed.

Marcus Fung

Job Titles:
  • Student of Life
Marcus Fung Short Biography: Marcus Fung is a student of Life, and a lover of the great Mystery. He continues to journey, deepening the joyous understanding that [...] Marcus Fung is a student of Life, and a lover of the great Mystery. He continues to journey, deepening the joyous understanding that Music is Life and Life is Music. He is devoted to the sharing, of music for the people, by the people. Guiding others in re-discovering their rich, and innate MUSICAL SPIRIT! A Early Childhood Music and Movement Educator, he is also a Grant MacEwan Music Graduate In Jazz Performance, and Composition. Some of Marcus' current interests are Laughter Yoga, Non-Violent Communication, Storytelling, and Sound Healing.us mus. Diam ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis. Elit pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus. Penatibus et magnis dis parturient. Convallis a cras semper auctor. Quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse in.

Ron Waterfield

Job Titles:
  • Successful Business Owner
Successful business owner Ron Waterfield has been coaching people for over 20 years. He is a certified Law of Attraction facilitator and passionate about helping his clients get more out of life. Professional keynote speaker, motivational speaker, business conference speaker, a veteran of thousands of successful shows, an author of " The Next Level", "Creating the Extraordinary You", a peak performance coach and seminar leader. He is a chief executive officer and successful businessman.