josh griffith

Job Titles:
  • Electrical Technician
Josh is an Electrical Technician at Green Mountain Technologies. Since 2018, Josh has assembled UL panels for over 40 composting facilities throughout the world. Josh has a B.S. in Audio Design Technology from The Art Institute of Seattle. At GMT he fabricates, programs, and performs quality control for the control systems and electrical equipment for our ASP, CCS, and Earth Flow systems. He is passionate about the zero waste movement and is motivated to create robust and effective controls equipment. To unwind, Josh loves spending time with family, playing music, and watching the NBA (bring back the Sonics!).

michael bryan-brown - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Chief Engineer
  • Founder
Michael is Founder and Chief Engineer at Green Mountain Technologies. He has been designing and installing state of the art composting systems for over 30 years. Michael has a Bachelors in Environmental Engineering from Tufts University. After working in the consulting world for several years, he left and started Green Mountain Technologies in 1992 to develop composting systems for the US market. He holds 4 patents related to composting, has authored multiple technical papers, and was a contributing author for The Compost Handbook. When not working, Michael enjoys gardening, sailing and hiking in the mountains.

Michael T. White

Michael T. White is trained in the use of Vectorworks software and OnShape cloud based software for object based design work. With his extensive experience, detail-oriented perspective and technical expertise, Michael has provided comprehensive models for hundreds of projects. He also has experience in machine and metal fabrication and construction.

Van Calvez

Job Titles:
  • Engineer
  • Sales Engineer
Van is Engineer at Green Mountain Technologies specializing in developing appropriate technology for community composting and institutional applications. Since joining GMT in 2010 Van has sold, designed, and commissioned over one hundred in-vessel systems. Van has an MS in Systems Engineering/Human Factors Engineering and a BS Human Factors Engineering from Wright State University. Van loves to share his 20+ years of composting expertise to help organizations successfully compost.Van provides systems design/engineering, technical support, sales, production support, installation, training and customer service for our in-vessel systems. He is the primary engineer for the Earth Cube and Earth Flow System. At home, he manages the composting system for his co-housing community. Van enjoys digging in the dirt, making compost and helping to build soil fertility.