KEY DYNAMICS - Key Persons

Jessica Lovejoy

Job Titles:
  • Client Relations Manager
Jessica works to build positive professional relationships between Key Dynamics and the businesses we serve. She actively finds solutions in response to dynamic business needs and ensures all services and products provided by Key Dynamics are properly tracked and measured.

Justin Stephen

Job Titles:
  • Data & Project Manager
Justin coordinates the work of account specialists, programmers, data entry personnel, and record custodians to design and implement our direct mail initiatives. He has considerable experience with both public records and data analysis, and this provides him with valuable insight for our clients' campaigns.

Ryan Radcliff

Job Titles:
  • Production Manager
Ryan is responsible for managing the mail operations center and keeping the direct mail flowing efficiently. He enjoys diagnosing problems and finding creative workable solutions. He considers reliability to be one of the most important aspects of his job, since he has a strict, daily deadline.

Shayne Daugherty - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
Shayne leads business strategies that keep our clients' best interests at the forefront. His entrepreneurial background and computer science expertise drives him to constantly be innovating and developing modern, creative solutions that keep Key Dynamics clients' ROI and goals on-track.