Sabrina Bailey

My name is Sabrina Bailey, I am a Board-Certified Registered Nurse, Board-Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and a Board-Certified Case Manager. I live in sunny Myrtle Beach, SC and I'm married to a supportive husband with our two beautiful kids! I believe that God has plans for all of us and the chapters He chose for me has led to where I am today. For many years, I struggled with chronic stress, headaches, fatigue, gut related issues, joint pain, and breast implant illness to name a few. This led me to dive deeper into holistic medicine to help figure out my own health issues. My children also presented with health issues of neurological tics, ADD, OCD, and depression. My daughter's OCD and neurological tics became so severe that she wore the same outfit every day, due to texture issues. She would tell me that she didn't feel good and struggled to sleep most nights. One night, she stayed up all night, afraid to sleep for fear that she was going to die. Something had to be done. I researched, prayed, and looked everywhere for an answer to not only help my daughter, but our whole family. God led us to a naturopathic doctor that helped transform my daughter's health into this happy, healthy, vibrant child again! God showed up in a BIG way and I couldn't ignore the path he was guiding me towards. I realized a holistic approach to healthcare was exactly the next chapter I was searching for in my personal and professional life. I now believe self-care is the "new" healthcare! I started my career as a Registered Nurse excited to help others by supporting them through their healing journey. However, I continuously felt unfulfilled and frustrated with conventional medicine in the hospital setting knowing there was a huge gap between preventative care and chronic disease. I knew there had to be a better way of healing rather than handing out medications with no real answers. I moved on to my next chapter as a Nurse Case Manager educating and coaching people through their work injuries. I continued to dive deeper into holistic medicine and as I watched my daughter's health improve, and I knew God was calling me to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. As I advanced my education and training in functional diagnostic nutrition my health improved dramatically by implementing healthy habits and lifestyle changes. My daughter has become the happy, energetic girl that she was when she was younger. I learned that each person is uniquely made and not everyone's symptoms present the same. I love investigating the root cause and helping people prevent illness and reverse their chronic disease. I've learned this is not a race; this is a lifelong journey towards better health, and everyone should always give themselves grace. I am very excited to help you and your family in your health journey as well. There will be great days and some bumps in the road, but I'm here to guide and cheer for you every step of the way!