Annabel Du Boulay

Job Titles:
  • Founder of the Glastonbury Gnostic Centre & Rose Chapel
Annabel Du Boulay is Founder of The Glastonbury Gnostic Centre & Rose Chapel, a Rose Lineage expert and author of the witch-burning novel The Serpent's Tale. As CEO of her company Belashka Ltd since 2009, Annabel offers an extensive programme of in-person and online trainings, including her Avalon Rose Priestess Training (Online) and her Rose Lineage Practitioner Training (Southern Italy). Having completed a BA degree (1994) in English Literature (Mythology), a MSc degree (1996-7) in Goddess Paganism and Gnosticism, The Priestess of Avalon training with The Glastonbury Goddess Temple (2001-4) and 20 years of service at The Glastonbury Goddess Conference (2002-21), Annabel has 30 years of academic research in and experiential embodiment as a Priestess of her Irish and Scottish-Jewish-Masonic bloodline Lineages of the Celtic-Druid and Rose. A Transpersonal Therapist & Workshop-Retreat Facilitator, Annabel has worked with private clients and groups since 2006 in the private, corporate and voluntary sectors, including 6 years for the UK's leading mental health charity, where she coordinated their Education Programme and worked with sufferers of abuse and domestic violence. Annabel's dedication to Sacred Service began whilst volunteering at an orphanage in Peru (1995-6) and evolved through her MPhil/PhD Research (1997-9) on the Reproductive Rights of Women in the Developing World, her work in the Mental Health Sector (2006-12) and her company's support of people in need through funded therapeutic and educational services. A single mother of 3 children, 2 of whom were born with life-threatening syndromes, Annabel trusts that all the challenges she has survived have given her the strength, wisdom and compassion to co-create The Queens' Round Table; to be conscious of leading from a place of truth, humility and integrity; and to use all her experience to guide others on their Path of Legendary Leadership and Sacred Service manifestation. I was brought up in a corporate family as my father was the UK Deputy Chairman of a leading global company and sat on the board of several not-for-profit national organisations, including a committee that was set up to enable women to break through the glass-ceiling. In the late 1970s, he was one of the first business leaders in the City of London to employ behavioural psychologists to work with his staff, as he recognised the need to coach them in what we would now term authentic relating and leadership. My father still advises me in business and inspired my mentoring of leaders from a transpersonal perspective to reach their full potential in authentic leadership through a deeper understanding of themselves and others. My career began in the Voluntary Sector, where I reported to the Clinical Director of the largest Mind network outside London, co-ordinating their funded educational programme involving over 20 courses and 150 service users. Building on this experience, I founded my own company Belashka Ltd (2009), my Annabel Du Boulay Shop (2014) and The Glastonbury Gnostic Centre & Rose Chapel (2018), further developing my business and leadership experience within areas such as finance, sales & marketing, retail, import/export, product design & development, employment and team management. In 2015, I was selected as 1 of only 40 women-led businesses in the South West to receive a Mentoring Programme funded by the Government Equalities Office. In 2016, I was accepted on the Export for Growth programme funded by the European Regional Development (ERDF) and the Department of International Trade. And in 2017, I was awarded an ERDF grant to accelerate the successful growth of my business in international markets, which in turn has enabled me to expand the services we provide through The Glastonbury Gnostic Centre & Rose Chapel. I am so looking forward to drawing on all my experience to support The Queens' Round Table in its growth as a global organisation of Legendary Leaders committed to manifesting tangible change for the good of all.

Holly Hamilton

Job Titles:
  • CEO and Founder of Awakening Avalon
Holly Hamilton is the CEO and Founder of Awakening Avalon, LLC. A creative visionary, teacher and leader, she has stewarded Awakening Avalon as a living being through the many stages of change that a business goes through. From the seed vision through initial research and development, implementation and delivery, many expansions and contractions, team-building, economic challenges, internal community ruptures, Awakening Avalon is now a vibrant and pioneering expression of true entrepreneurial success. It is a growing and thriving company and community that is a School, a Temple and a Foundation. Holly's academic background includes a BA (1991) in Anthropology and Religious Studies and a Doctorate (2003) in Indigenous Mysticism. Holly was invited to accept professorships in numerous Religious Studies departments of US universities, but knew her life's purpose lay outside the halls of academia. Always a rebel and fully committed to her spiritual vision of Awakening Avalon, which she received in the autumn of 1999, Holly turned her passionate focus to teaching and restoring the mytho-poetics of Celtic-Avalonian wisdom, and empowering other women to activate and embody their deep soul purpose as Priestesses. Awakening Avalon offers a wide array of spiritual education opportunities. Its flagship program is an exemplary 3-Year Priestess Path of Avalon training, which has been running since 2011. Many current global teachers in the Divine Feminine leadership community have studied or mentored with Holly. She is a teacher of teachers. Awakening Avalon also offers multiple smaller courses, both in person and online as well as Pilgrimages and Vision Quests. My spiritual training is anchored in my bloodlines. I carry my Celtic-Avalonian lineage through my Scottish and Irish bloodlines, and the Grail bloodline also through my Languedoc and southern France heritage. In 1992, I began my formal priestess apprenticeship and received my first initiations as Priestess of the Celtic Arts with Gina MacGarry of Brighid's Academy of Healing Arts. My Vision Quest lineage flows through my Native American Apache blood and I immersed in wilderness survival, philosophy and the Vision Quest with Tom Brown, Jr and Malcolm Ringwalt. I have protected Vision Quests since 2001. I have also deepened my personal spiritual and Christic path of sacred activism with Andrew Harvey. I bow with the deepest of reverence to my teachers as elders, and to my blood and spiritual ancestors. I have been committed to international volunteering and service work since my youth, when I organised a petition and rally to save the seals in the arctic when I was only 10 years old. Since then, I have always been involved in community work, volunteering or serving on the Board of Directors of domestic abuse hotlines, counselling in abortion clinics, equine therapy programs, and ecosystem studies/preservation in Kenya, to name a few. Currently I serve on the Fellowship of the White Spring in Glastonbury, UK. I am the single mother of a bold girl-child. I am a lover, dancer, a poetess, equestrienne. I profoundly believes in the innate ancient power of women as revolutionaries and my life has been a deep journey of Initiation into and with the Avalon Mysteries. The sacred ecstatic marriage of surrender and engagement I have learned through my personal and professional trajectories are implicitly woven into all that I bring to The Queens' Round Table. With the deepest of delight, I am devoted to supporting the journey of all who Take their Seat at the Round Table.

Jon Hall

Job Titles:
  • Photographer