CLOUD CITY - Key Persons

André Arko

Job Titles:
  • Director of Engineering
André has 20 years of software experience from frontend to backend, with a smattering of native applications and a focus on site reliability and developer tools.

Cain Watson

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer
The reluctant AP CompSci student becomes the software development master (and house plant gardening student).

Carl Jackson

Job Titles:
  • Senior Engineer
  • Advanced ML Software Engineer
  • CTO and Founder of RealVR
Carl Jackson is a full stack and advanced ML software engineer, serial entrepreneur, and believes in a future that blurs the lines between work and play. Carl is an avid hiker and lover of nature. Especially mountains. Carl really loves mountains.

Eric Ries

Job Titles:
  • CEO, Long - Term Stock Exchange
"Cloud City tied everything up in a bow for us and it was a very collaborative and fun experience. Would Cloud City again."

Gabriel Williams

Job Titles:
  • Director of Engineering
  • Director of Engineering at Cloud City, Fosters Supportive Teams
After finding his footing as a self-made entrepreneur, followed by years leading high-profile teams as a senior architect, Gabriel realized that he wanted to do more than work for others… he wanted to do good in the world. With VillageReach, Gabriel created tools to help health care delivery reach everyone, including a system to optimize routes for temperature-controlled medicines. He helped provide clean energy products to developing countries with MicroEnergy Credits. His work with nonprofits and as a consultant for good causes eventually led him to the shared ethos he found at Cloud City. As an engineering leader, Gabriel has offered both on-the-ground leadership (writing code and building the pipeline) as well as communicating project objectives to the executive team for a critical billing system migration. For a Fortune 50 company, he built a new team tasked with creating a highly regulated security assessment and improvement tool. When not exploring nature's mountainous beauty, Gabriel transcends the colloquial "gamer" assignment, known to his closest associates as an unrivaled connoisseur of all game genres from board to video. Radical in an age of battle royal dominance, he is an especially vocal proponent of collaborative, problem-solving, teamwork-based games.

Helen Anne

Job Titles:
  • Fractional CMO Conversion Copywriter Content Strategist

Kacper Rychard

Job Titles:
  • Product Specialist, Cyber Solutions McKinsey & Company

Kendall Billman

Job Titles:
  • Operations Manager
  • Personal Assistant
Kendall's road to their career as an Operations Manager was one sprinkled with serendipity - and experiences that would shape them as a person, and a member of the Cloud City team. As Cloud City's operations manager, Kendall is often the go-to person behind the scenes. This can mean anything from generating content for Cloud City's social media accounts to managing the planning of campaigns and events to helping clients arrange meetings with the Cloud City team. But where Kendall really shines is working with people and organizing for a cause.

Kenzi Connor - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • President / CEO of Cloud City Development
Kenzi Connor, President/CEO of Cloud City Development, is an adept software engineer, founder, and CTO who works to build more functional, diverse, and fulfilled teams.

Leslie Chicoine

Job Titles:
  • Director of Product at Cloud City Development
Leslie Chicoine is the Director of Product at Cloud City Development. She believes that teams create the most desirable products by centering the user, working collaboratively across functions, and staying focused.

Lisa Fetterman

Job Titles:
  • CEO, Nomiku

Martin Emde

Job Titles:
  • Principal Engineer

Mercedes Bernard

Job Titles:
  • Principal Engineer
Mercedes is an experienced consultant with a decade in the industry. She is a full-stack software engineer specializing in web development and dedicated to team enablement.

Sid Krishnan

Job Titles:
  • Senior Engineer
  • Development Senior Developer
As Cloud City Development Senior Developer, Sid works with consultants and client teams to bring product visions to life.