FOUNDRY19 - Key Persons

Alex Neric

Job Titles:
  • Web Designer
Alex's expertise in motion graphics and illustration adds a unique flavor to Foundry19's interface designs. He also has an uncanny ability to translate a client's vision into a truly unique design that hits the nail on the head in terms of aesthetic. When he is not designing, he often spearheads content audits, organization, and migration. Alex holds a degree in Visual Communication from Stevenson University.

Allen Robinson

Job Titles:
  • Director of Application Development
Allen is responsible for overseeing client website and database development, implementation, and maintenance at Foundry19. A Computer Science graduate from the University of Wisconsin- Madison, Robinson is a software development and content management system specialist, fluent in CSS, PHP, MySQL, HTML, and JavaScript.

Brian Singer

Job Titles:
  • Principal / Digital Strategy
An experienced programmer himself, Brian oversees our development team and web operations. His 15 years of experience in the industry provide a wealth of knowledge in data processing, hosting, high-level strategy, SEO, and more. Brian is a master of managing scope creep as well as keeping projects on schedule. He has a B.F.A. in Imaging Arts and Sciences from Rochester Institute of Technology.

Brian Snyder

Job Titles:
  • Senior Designer
Brian's enthusiasm for new projects and ability to think outside-the-box makes him Foundry19's go-to ‘idea guy.' He not only enjoys coming up with unique solutions, but also working with clients to achieve and implement them. Brian holds a Graphic Design degree from UMBC and truly sees every new project as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Bryna Colley

Job Titles:
  • Creative Director
  • Principal
As Foundry19's Creative Director, Bryna does what she's done best for over a decade-inspire great design. Her knack for finding unique solutions has made her an award-winning designer. Now, her ability to bring our creative team together to consistently produce top-notch websites makes her an invaluable part of our projects. Bryna has a degree in Visual Communication Design from Stevenson University.

James Cunningham

Job Titles:
  • Web Developer
James' expertise in the Wordpress platform means he is involved in just about every project that comes through Foundry19. Along with development, he often spearheads content migration as well. But where he really shines is post-launch instruction-James is our go-to guy for guiding clients through the tutorial process, showing them the ins and outs of updating their site on their own. James is also a veteran of the United States Army.

Rebecca Biello

Job Titles:
  • Principal / Creative Strategy
When clients tell us their goals, Becky listens intently. Her keen attention to detail coupled with her uncanny ability to plan and strategize are at the core of every project. She truly takes the time to not only get to know our clients, but their industries as a whole-ensuring our solutions are unique and competitive. She has a degree in Visual Communication Design from Stevenson University.

Sean Kellner

Job Titles:
  • Web Applications Engineer
Sean holds dual degrees in Computer Science and Information Technology/Programming from the Community College of Baltimore County. As one of our key developers, he has an approach to programming that focuses on security and sound internal structure. Sean is skilled in both custom front-end development and server/system management, a rare an invaluable combination.