Job Titles:
Bringing more than 15+ years of experience in the security field has driven me to provide the results that customer have come to expect from myself and Viper Security. Having the understanding and capability to analyze the everchanging landscape of safety and security is an attribute that is embraced and shared among those that partner up with Viper Security. The culture that I and Viper Security bring that Safety, Security and Client Services are the pillars as to why our clients continue to seek our services. Our range of services that are offered are from simple guard security, contracted governmental operations, private corporate functions and many more are just a few examples of what I and Viper Security have to offer. Viper Security can tailor to the necessary security programs to meet many of your operation and function needs. That is why we at Viper Security understand that having our clients confidence and commitment is what will make Viper Security right for you.


Job Titles:
  • CEO
Being able to provide a service to our communities of safety and security is what drove us to form Viper Security. Knowing and identifying the needs of providing a service that the community can trust and rely on is what continues to motivate us. Putting our client's safety and security first will always be a part of our culture at Viper Security. With the ever changing landscape among our communities now more than ever is why Viper Security is committed to reaching out and partnering with many of our small local business, communities, corporations, learning & financial institutions, and many more to help provide them with the safety and security they deserve. Actions speak louder than words and that is why we make the commitment to make it right the first time. Knowing that our professional staff are trained and skilled to engage and present our clients with quality services that they expect. Our continual commitment to overachieve the expectations of our clients serves us as a reminder at Viper Security of the duty that we have to all those we service and partner with us. Make no mistake that we at Viper Security are the right company that brings to you both confidence and trust