Updated 177 days ago
Sandberg Land and Cattle Company is a family-owned, grass and forage fed beef farm located in the heart of Minnesota. We pride ourselves on raising our cows in a caring, humane environment, which we believe, results in a superior beef product...
A diet rich in grass means our cows grow at a much slower pace when compared to a grain fed or grain finished cow…and that's okay with us! Our goal is to produce a quality animal, and we believe quality takes time. Whereas a steer raised via traditional farming methods may be ready to process in 15 months, our steers are held in our care for a minimum of two years prior to harvesting...
When the time does come to process our animals, we work with a local butcher to ensure our animals are harvested in a dignified manner in order to minimize the stress for the animal.
Also known as: Sandberg Land
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