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We offer only #1 Grade metal roofing panels that are cut to the inch. All of our panels are coated in quality Sherwin-Williams paint and are backed by a 40-year warranty...

Relevance: 120.83354
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​We have been breeding and grooming for over 20 years and truly love what we do. It is a privilege to work with animals in such an intimate and loving manner. We have lots of training and skill but think what sets us apart is that everything we do,..

Relevance: 119.175156
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CSA II®'s Monument Establishment and Preservation Fund was born out of CSA II®'s Monument Protection Fund that has been active within the organization for many years. That fund assisted the membership of CSA II® to fight for and win to keep..

Relevance: 108.926895
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Quality Concrete Contractors Inc is a recognized leader in the concrete construction industry. Our expertise in concrete is unparalleled. For many years, we have been providing customized and comprehensive concrete services... We promise to always..

Relevance: 90.735016
  • 8
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Rural Medical Services, Inc. (RMS) is a Community Health Center serving the people of Cocke and Jefferson Counties, Tennessee and surrounding areas. RMS has five primary care clinics which are conveniently located in Newport, Cosby, Parrottsville,..

Relevance: 26.7618
Located 60 miles due east of Knoxville, Tennessee is the town of Parrottsville. Just a mile outside of town is our place, on Wheelwright Way. Here my wife Laura and I have been engaged in the craft of wheelwrighting for over 25 years. Starting out as..

Relevance: 9.508121
  • 104
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Keeping ever in mind the charge of the Great Commission, AIM provides a variety of services and ministries to build up its member congregations... Voluntary gifts from both local churches and private individuals made to the AIM Church Health and..

Relevance: 0.91074675