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Our aim is to help people come to know, love and follow Jesus. We believe that in him we can know God's love, forgiveness and hope for now and forever... We want to be a church for all people of all ages. Whatever your circumstance and no matter..

Relevance: 17.332092
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At Madison Church we are a community of believers that find strength in our diversity. We are called by God to share His gospel in hopes of bringing others to know him. In a racially-charged world we strive to be an example of how God's love conquers..

Relevance: 16.473913
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Welcome to Willow! We're a group of people from all ages, backgrounds, and cultures who believe there's more to life than what the world says. We simply want to love God and love people, and know if we do, we'll see hope, joy, and transformation in..

Relevance: 16.396101
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We want all people to love God and enjoy Him forever through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus! We stay focused on God through faithful Bible teaching and church life. We also love God by loving our neighbors and building healthy..

Relevance: 16.206976
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I am someone who is constantly curious and loves to know the "why?" to everything. For me product design is the perfect intersection of creativity, data, people, with business mixed in. I love making data-driven decisions that help solve the problems..

Relevance: 16.172247
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Clean& is an one-stop solution for home & office services. We provide professional home painting, plumbing, electrical, floor polishing and general handyman services... Our staff are painstakingly selected through rigorous background checks..

Relevance: 16.145555
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Here at Resurrection, we are learning with ever-increasing joy and knowledge-both corporately and individually-what it is to live, move and have our being in Christ from His Kingdom. We believe that our Lord is seeking a people after His own heart,..

Relevance: 16.130127
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What drives us at Jacob Hotel Chain? Our love of people and our love of hosting... We love our guests. It's that simple. That's why it's important for us to get to know you, understand what you like, and be part of your wonderful experience... The..

Relevance: 15.846805
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We are a group of people in Lake City, Florida, who love Jesus Christ, love His Word, and love each other like family. Our desire is to know God more deeply and follow Him more faithfully, and to help others to do the same. We also value loving..

Relevance: 15.784233
‘It's all about people , creative ideas, purpose and passion' - and as a former CEO three times, and once entrepreneur, I know that all too well. So, all forms of technology allow us to do things differently, that's all; is what I always say... The..

Relevance: 15.766424
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Here at Memorial Park, we strive to live out our mission statement in all that we do. We want to Love People by showing them that they are known and cared for as they are. We want to Know Jesus by learning Biblical Truth through studying God's Word...

Relevance: 15.7391615
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The most powerful form of motivation costs nothing: meeting human needs to tap into intrinsic motivation. Once life-giving needs are met, all people need to be Respected and valued for their individual uniqueness. All people need to know they are..

Relevance: 15.680363
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The mission of the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center is to celebrate, affirm, and support Queer and Trans individuals and communities at Michigan State University. We strive to create a more just and equitable campus for people of all genders and..

Relevance: 15.668529
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We love taking chances in our lives as long as we have the loving support of our sisters so we know we have a built in cheering section and if we falter, they'll lift us back up... We love helping others and we know when there are more of us, we can..

Relevance: 15.652022
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WunderTraining is an award-winning Australian business with 50+ exciting professional development options for leaders, teams, and all-staff events. We are known for our engaging and interactive signature style and for creating memorable events for..

Relevance: 15.4248905
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We are a family of imperfect people on a journey to know Jesus more and express His love to the world around us... We believe in salvation for all who place their faith in Jesus and that the Bible is our guide in all matters of faith and practice...

Relevance: 15.420613
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In fact, we feel happy team members are more productive and creative team members. When people love what they are doing, they do a better job at it. So we aim to make sure all of our team members are enjoying what they do... We're not punching a..

Relevance: 15.342292
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We are two churches in the centre of Northolt. St Marys, in Northolt Village and St Richards, on the Racecourse Estate. Our aim is to be a Christian community who Love God & Love Northolt in all we are & do... We aim to be a Christian community who..

Relevance: 15.3330555
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We believe Utility + Beauty = Joy. We know handmade goods in leather, wood & metal are worth investing in, as are the people who make them. We believe the retail price should be based on a fair wage to the maker, and we are fortunate to live in a..

Relevance: 15.325376
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Shepherd of the Valley is part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Our mission is to help all people experience, explore, and express the love of God given in Jesus Christ. We seek to create worship services that will help you experience and deeply..

Relevance: 15.207784
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A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."... Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter or..

Relevance: 15.184886
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Haven Church is a group of people from all walks of life and backgrounds. Whoever you are and whatever your story, we want you to know that you will be loved and accepted by our church family... Here at Haven, we ™re connecting people in the West..

Relevance: 15.1789255
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We are an assembly of God's people who love our Lord and desire to serve Him. We are down to earth people with no pretenses and a deep understanding of our need for God's grace. All who enter our doors are accepted as one of us: people who are on a..

Relevance: 15.165346
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Trophy Den was established in 1989, we provide a broad range of top quality products and services to cater for any of your requirements at competitive prices... We love what we do. We are celebrating with the people making the biggest difference in..

Relevance: 15.066192
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Beer Creek was built from the ground up. Board by board, kettle to cooler, oven to table-everything you know about BCBC was hand-designed, built, brewed, and baked by the people you know and see every day in the building. We have taken our..

Relevance: 15.010496
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I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have..

Relevance: 15.006982
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Creion is a team of creative people who love and know what to do. We specialize on brand design, graphic design, packaging design and advertisement for corporate and consumer markets. We work with our clients remotely all over the world and help them..

Relevance: 15.003028
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Golf Mind Rx™ was created by people who love golf for people who love golf, or who want to love golf. Golf is the most mental of all sports. Regardless of how much we know about golf, what happens in our heads is the last frontier we have to cross to..

Relevance: 15.001443
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When you walk through our doors, your problems become our problems. Your concerns become our concerns. And your pet becomes our family. We understand what it feels like to love a pet so deeply. To care so much for their life and well-being...

Relevance: 14.973778
This blog is just a collection of all of the wild and random thoughts that float through my brain. There are several common themes here, that are all wrapped around the things I love most. First, I love God. "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the..

Relevance: 14.960157