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1-30 of 6,787,095 results

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Members Health offers all the same benefits as in the past. More than 4 million health insurance policyholders enjoy competitive premiums, great benefits, value for money and across-the-board satisfaction. Members Health has built further on these..

Relevance: 14.1005335
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Global Solutions for Infectious Diseases (GSID) is a non-profit global health organization engaged in the development of diagnostic and preventive tools for infectious diseases, including HIV. We also provide assistance to, and collaborate with,..

Relevance: 13.968142
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ProFIT Family Wellness is a subsidiary of ProFiT Financial Group, LLC, a unique collaboration that marries our family's passion for health and wellness with the need for financial education, development and freedom. ProFiT Financial Group & ProFIT..

Relevance: 13.905659
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Young Leaders for Health, a non-profit organization founded in Berlin, Germany, aims to nurture the next generation of leaders in public and global health... Young Leaders for Health is a non-profit organization consisting of an international and..

Relevance: 13.808994
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The high cost of health insurance, driven by large, profit-driven HMOs, leaves 250,000 Minnesotans uninsured, 1,000,000 underinsured, 12,000 medically bankrupt, and hundreds whose lives are cut short for lack of adequate coverage (Institute Of..

Relevance: 13.802621
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Phoenix Health Fund is proudly a Members Health Alliance Fund - Australia's largest voice for not-for-profit, member-owned, regional and community-based health insurers... Phoenix Health is a not-for-profit health fund, who for over 68 years has..

Relevance: 13.768243
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Point32Health is a leading not-for-profit health and well-being organization that's focused on delivering a better health care experience to our members and the communities we serve. One of the top twenty health plans in the United States,..

Relevance: 13.71925
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Building Canadian Health Leadership Together Our Purpose We are a not-for-profit, purpose-built coalition of 40+ organizations (called Network Partners) who gather to build health leadership capacity and capabilities across Canada. Members cut across..

Relevance: 13.689446
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Backed by our Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) status, Jane Pauley CHC is central Indiana's trusted non-profit provider for affordable primary, behavioral and dental health services... Jane Pauley CHC is central Indiana's trusted non-profit..

Relevance: 13.67277
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Health Education Australia Limited (HEAL) is a not-for-profit organisation that provides innovative education programs for all health professionals, both nationally and internationally, that are designed to improve healthcare outcomes... We remain a..

Relevance: 13.6258545
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As a not-for-profit health insurance provider we've been supporting the health and wellbeing of Australians since 1941. Today, we are Australia's second largest member-based health fund, with over one million members... Not-for-profit health..

Relevance: 13.586305
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First Health United is a non-profit organization based in The Netherlands. We are a fully independent spin off of the company First Health Pharmaceuticals, who transferred the largest part of its antivirus development pipeline to our non-profit..

Relevance: 13.552142
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The Kansas Soil Health Alliance is a non-profit organization founded in 2021. Our mission is to improve and protect Kansas soils, while serving as a trusted partner and valuable soil health resource for Kansas growers... KSHA is a non-profit..

Relevance: 13.488036
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CentraState Healthcare System is a private, not-for-profit health organization dedicated to excellence, offering the full circle of health and wellness for our community...

Relevance: 13.48596
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New Mexico Health Professional Wellness Program is a state-wide non-profit organization that provides CONFIDENTIAL treatment services for health professionals with substance abuse, mental health, physical health impairment workplace issues... Our..

Relevance: 13.485536
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Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care are now part of Advocate Health, the fifth-largest nonprofit integrated health system in the United States - created from the combination of Advocate Aurora Health and Atrium Health. As a not-for-profit..

Relevance: 13.458351
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CentraState Healthcare System is a private, not-for-profit health organization dedicated to excellence, offering the full circle of health and wellness for our community...

Relevance: 13.456632
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Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care are now part of Advocate Health, the fifth-largest nonprofit integrated health system in the United States - created from the combination of Advocate Aurora Health and Atrium Health. As a not-for-profit..

Relevance: 13.456062
The Health & Wellness Business Profit Systems help RD's, health, fitness, wellness & nutrition practitioners to generate an additional $5,000 to $10,000 or more per month with a simple, scalable model... Health Wellness Business Profit Systems for..

Relevance: 13.410734
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FrontPath is a not-for-profit member managed organization that is governed by a volunteer board of trustees. As such, we are solely guided by the interests of our members in the communities we serve. As we are not an insurer, our goal is not to..

Relevance: 13.360709
Health Care Cost Reductions is a partnership of health care experts that have experience working with large and small non-profit, and for-profit hospitals, military hospitals, clinics, surgery centers, and urgent care facilities as health care..

Relevance: 13.314001
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Since our founding in 1993, the 501(c)(3) non-profit Center for Health Design has been the preeminent professional organization in the healthcare design industry advancing the use of an evidence-based design process to improve health, safety and..

Relevance: 13.306088
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The HealthCare Foundation of Cleveland County is an independent, stand-alone non-profit health legacy community foundation with a countywide board of directors. For the purpose of addressing health and wellness issues affecting our residents, every..

Relevance: 13.257669
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Victoria Biomedical Research Institute (VIBRI) is a non-profit providing pharmaceutical, academic research, and non-profit organizations with a network of clinical sites and expertise focusing on accelerating transformative therapeutics, vaccines,..

Relevance: 13.254652
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Harvard Pilgrim is a leading not-for-profit health services company serving members in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire beyond. Call us today!... Harvard Pilgrim Health Care provides nationally ranked health plans and care-based..

Relevance: 13.246747
Run for Mental Health Ltd was established in May 2023 as an Australian not-for-profit and community-based charity organisation... We are a not-for-profit community based organisation who aim to empower people to thrive through optimal physical and..

Relevance: 13.200835
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Baptist Health is committed to increasing supplier diversity in our operations and providing opportunities for diverse suppliers to participate in our strategic sourcing efforts... Baptist Health is the area's only locally governed, faith-based,..

Relevance: 13.200157
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Navy Health is proud to be a part of Members Health Fund Alliance, an alliance of not-for-profit health funds who put the health of their members before profits. As a not-for-profit health insurance fund, our profits don't end up with shareholders...

Relevance: 13.182594
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EcoFin Healthcare is a not-for-profit partnership of organisations, agencies and statutory bodies working on public health, disease prevention, promoting health, and reducing inequalities... EcoFin Healthcare is not for profit organisation to..

Relevance: 13.182061
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Wellsential Health is the non-profit leader in skilled nursing and rehabilitative care dedicated to serving Texans. Being a non-profit makes us very different. It means we do more than just deliver expert care to help you recover from surgery,..

Relevance: 13.130408