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1-30 of 5,375,527 results

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Macromedia University of Applied Sciences is a multi-campus university privately sponsored by Macromedia GmbH, based in Stuttgart, with other locations in Munich, Freiburg, Frankfurt/Main, Cologne, Leipzig, Hamburg and Berlin. Due to the central..

Relevance: 26.533522
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Macromedia University is a state-recognised university with private sponsorship from Macromedia GmbH. It is headquartered in Stuttgart and its largest administrative location can be found in Munich, where Macromedia GmbH was founded in 1993...

Relevance: 26.530508
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Multidisciplinary designer and lecturer. Working predominantly in digital, motion and branding. Lecturer at Macromedia University of Applied Sciences...

Relevance: 22.563734
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Dorothea Schubert (*1988 in Rostock) is a freelance graphic designer and contemporary photographer (mostly analogue) based in Freiburg, Germany. She..... Dorothea works as a teacher of Editorial Design, Printmedia and Photography at Macromedia..

Relevance: 20.262445
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Oliver Szasz holds a professorship for design at Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, where he directs the international master's programme in design management. His teaching focuses on design methodology at the interface between design and..

Relevance: 19.970463
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The Macromedia Library offers a wide range of digital media. Search our licensed databases with the Macromedia Catalog...

Relevance: 18.434204
Specializing in interactive design and development since Macromedia Flash 4. Coding since Commodore VIC-20... OVAL media: Specializing in interactive design and development since Macromedia Flash 4...

Relevance: 18.28483
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Responsible for creating a completely dynamic application using Macromedia Director and Macromedia Flash that would interact with a server based on XML requests and responses. The application included dynamic GUI generation. form generation and..

Relevance: 17.284698
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This web site makes use of Macromedia® Flash TM software. You have an old version of Macromedia Flash Player that cannot playsome of the site content... From Home Theatre to Security lifestyle Automation provide integrated solutions for the modern..

Relevance: 17.252745
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Over 98.3% of all web users have the Macromedia Flash Player (source: This site uses Macromedia Shockwave version 5, a widely used plugin which enables fast and powerful web animation on your computer...

Relevance: 17.201633
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nj is an unpleasant substance derived through the fermentation of various and sundry legumes... nj is a small shellfish that can be found off the coasts of Italy and Madagascar. He is often preyed upon by sea otters and other aquatic mammals... nj..

Relevance: 17.091658
Macromedia FlashPlayer 6.0 or higher needs to be installed in order to view this website. Installation should only take a minute or two. Please click on the link below to download Macromedia FlashPlayer. Once installation is complete click on "Try..

Relevance: 16.97974
Before joining Onfolio, Charles was the first employee at Allaire Corporation, which was acquired by Macromedia in 2001. At Macromedia, Charles was a Director of Engineering responsible for the development and engineering of ColdFusion (now Adobe..

Relevance: 16.841433
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Designed graphics for both the web and print using Adobe Photoshop/ImageReady and Illustrator... In correlation with HTML language, CSS and basic JavaScript & Perl, used Macromedia Dreamweaver and HomeSite to create web pages... Created short films..

Relevance: 16.398943
Macromedia Flash Plug-in and Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view this intro page...

Relevance: 16.362562
You do not have the required Macromedia Flash Plugin to view the Flash Animation...

Relevance: 16.09533
Some areas of this site utilize Macromedia Flash and Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-ins...

Relevance: 16.071856
You do not have the required Macromedia Flash Plugin to view the Flash Animation...

Relevance: 16.071856
Some areas of this site utilize Macromedia Flash and Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-ins...

Relevance: 15.887519
This website requires the Macromedia flash 5 player, Internet Explorer 4.0 +, Minimum Resolution 800 X 600...

Relevance: 15.870156
WeatherFlash uses the Macromedia Flash 6 player available at

Relevance: 15.821542
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For a correct view of all web-site parts you need Macromedia Flash Player and Acrobat Reader plug-in...

Relevance: 15.8034
Site requires Macromedia Flash and Internet Explorer 5.5+ with a resolution of 800x600 or higher...

Relevance: 15.787341
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The Central Development website uses Macromedia Flash technology, which we cannot detect on your system...

Relevance: 15.787341
You do not have the required Macromedia Flash Plugin to view the Flash Animation...

Relevance: 15.721058
Macromedia Flash Player is needed. And We suggest that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher version...

Relevance: 15.673456
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6 years hands-on digital graphic design experience using design tools from Adobe and Macromedia..

Relevance: 15.621842
[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket to host and port: localhost:1433. Reason: Connection refused: connect..

Relevance: 15.614669
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Clear Thinking specialises in providing quality authorised training solutions for 3D, print design and the web. We were the first Macromedia authorised training centre in Hampshire and now offer Adobe ACA (Adobe Certified Associate) training through..

Relevance: 15.289326
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This site requires the Macromedia Flash 5 Player" If you do not see the above animation please click the "Autoinstall Now" link below...

Relevance: 15.226212