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Meiosis lab is a part of the Laboratory of Recombination and Segregation Analysis of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS... . Meiosis Lab - The laboratory of recombination and segregation analysis Recombination and segregation of..

Relevance: 0.6123006
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NANOCOM offers services in industrial audit and an assessment of economic profitability and financial activity of the enterprises; to identification of ways of optimization of processes of the company, and also an assessment of energy efficiency of..

Relevance: 0.6122458
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Specializing in the processing and supply of machines and production lines and industrial implementation of industrial Specializing in the processing and supply of machines and production lines and industrial implementation of industrial Specializing..

Relevance: 0.61168945
07.10 - Mining of iron ores 07.29 - Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores 08.11 - Quarrying of ornamental and building stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk and slate 08.12 - Operation of gravel and sand pits; mining of clays and kaolin 08.91 - Mining of..

Relevance: 0.61075205
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Membership of professional bodies Fellow and Examiner of the Royal College of Surgeons of EnglandEx-council Member of the Royal Society of MedicineEx-council Member of the Brit. Assoc. of ORL-HNS (ENT UK)Member of the Oto-rhino-laryngological..

Relevance: 0.6093979
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The Regional Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture of the Campania associates the four Chambers of Commerce of Irpinia Sannio, Caserta, Napoli and Salerno, and represents a productive system of 500.000 enterprises,..

Relevance: 0.6079847
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The fundamentals of work of SEC "ZTZ-Service" are development of scientific and production base, development of new techniques and technologies, constant development and improvement of services in service of transformers and transformer equipment.....

Relevance: 0.6077813
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Our company was created for sale of aircraft equipment to the markets of the countries of CIS and far abroad... We are partner of leading factories of Russia, the largest domestic manufacturers of landing gears, control units for the domestic..

Relevance: 0.60776514
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Business scope:Wholesale of electronic components; wholesale of bicycles and spare parts; wholesale of computer software, hardware and auxiliary equipment; wholesale of photographic equipment and binoculars; wholesale of musical instruments;..

Relevance: 0.6076911
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The Town of Kirkwood is located in the central part of Broome County, west of the towns of Colesville and Windsor, south of the Town of Fenton and east of the towns of Conklin and Dickinson and the City of Binghamton... The Town Court plays a vital..

Relevance: 0.60596275
INNOLABS is able to support own partners in the organisation and realisation of actions of promotion and animation in Italy, Europe, Africa, Middle-East and Latin America for own partners' strategic placement and activation of collaboration with..

Relevance: 0.60589254
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The vision of a few stalwart Physicians of India gave birth to the idea of forming the Association of Physicians of India in 1944 mainly to provide a common forum to the Physicians of India to meet and to share experience and research observations in..

Relevance: 0.60558206
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The idea of creation Infotec Ltd appeared in distant 1989 and united the group of very talented professional programmers, having by that time pick-a-back enormous experience of development and implementation a lot of complex programms and systems in..

Relevance: 0.60551846
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provides over 25 years of marketing and management experience in retail and foodservice... Development and execution of new products and programs, analysis of market conditions, positioning of products and programs, development of brand and..

Relevance: 0.6054805
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The only specialized scientific center dealing with the problems of chemistry, physics and technology of polymers, including in the field of nanoscience. Year of establishment - ​​In 1979, the Department of Polymer Chemistry of the Academy of..

Relevance: 0.60526997
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The main goal of the URAN network is to provide institutions, organizations and establishments of science, education and culture with information and networking services enabling network users to realize their professional needs and contributing to..

Relevance: 0.6051828
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School of Geosciences and Info-Physics of Central South University was established in October, 2010 on the basis of amalgamation of the former School of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering and School of Info-Physics. The school has 6..

Relevance: 0.6051395
The Madison County Bar Association was incorporated on December 6, 1974. The founders purpose of the Association was to uphold and defend the Constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Indiana; to develop and maintain the..

Relevance: 0.6047177
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Ambika International, situated at Jodhpur, Rajasthan (India) is a leading manufacturers & exporters of handicraft products. Established with the aim of maintaining best quality and unique designs in the field of handicraft. We are manufacturers and..

Relevance: 0.60471666
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work in various fields and is one of the actors are members of the Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Iraqi contractors The company also owns a group of engineers qualified consultants and specialists in the field of civil, electrical and..

Relevance: 0.60471666
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Association of "CORD BLOOD BANKS, OTHER HUMAN TISSUES AND CELLS" is the integration of clinics, institutes and other organisations, providing procession, coding, cryoconservation, testing, storage of the umbilical cord blood, other human tissues and..

Relevance: 0.6043879
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Member of the working group for the evaluation of design and survey projects under the Interdepartmental Commission of Technological Development of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Modernization and..

Relevance: 0.6043203
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Work for protection of environment, conservation of water resources and safeguarding of sources of energy in urban and rural regions... Work for conservation of heritage and archeology of ancient shrines. Spreading knowledge about the scientific..

Relevance: 0.6038783
We offer a wide range of solutions for safe business. Our activities will bring you significant benefits in the areas: network, system, and business solutions, security and protection of IT infrastructure, Internet services, sales of software and..

Relevance: 0.60337895
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Troilite, LLC (till 2014 Troilite, SPE) commenced its operations in Simferopol in 1993 as the company combining efforts of various specialists of mining branch in search and implementation of innovative projects in the conditions of the situation,..

Relevance: 0.60311973
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Jamk is a multidisciplinary University of Applied Sciences with four fields of education (schools) and administration. The schools providing education are the School of Professional Teacher Education, the School of Health and Social Studies, the..

Relevance: 0.602923
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Jamk is a multidisciplinary University of Applied Sciences with four fields of education (schools) and administration. The schools providing education are the School of Professional Teacher Education, the School of Health and Social Studies, the..

Relevance: 0.602923
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Pagani Production Group relies on expertise in the field of consulting and sales of various oil and lubricant products. The company has left a brilliant record of providing services to various organizations and companies by employing experienced and..

Relevance: 0.60272324
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The Bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry sitting in the Valley of Waco, Orient of Texas, acknowledge and yield allegiance to the Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General, Knights Commander of the..

Relevance: 0.6022704
Rimal offers a distinct model of the leading companies in the world of providing administrative services and information and coordination of work and services in various areas of management of business and marketing for artists, businessmen, and..

Relevance: 0.60216594