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我們,Bring The Rocks,相信最棒的時刻就在品嘗到絕佳滋味的那一刻,那份感動將會一直保留在你的記憶中。無論在bar,party,會議或者是舒適地待在家中時,都可以盡情享受我們與眾不同的各式飲料選擇。我們就只是碰巧提供高品質,經當地以及國際酒類鑑賞家認可的酒類飲品。... You like to experience a wonderful moments with your friends and to celebrate this occasions you demand a..

Relevance: 226.72305
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《旅遊》對於我們有多麼重要呢? 可以說《旅遊》改變了兩位管家的一生 是怎麼樣的緣分會讓我們能夠在同一屋簷下相聚一宿 日本有些旅館會在門口掛上【一期一會】的牌子, 它代表著每一次見面或許是一輩子只有一次的相會 提醒生活中的一切有多麼值得去細細品味 你/妳有多久沒有享受舒適的假期了呢? 就到台東來享睡一下吧! ​ Do you think "travel" is important in your life? Travel actually changed our lives. We believe..

Relevance: 129.23682
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"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors.We borrow it from our children."- Native Proverb 1. 天然 Natural大自然本身已為我們提供一切所需,天然植物更是蘊含豐富和具療效的營養.我們對於大自然既尊重又愛惜,亦盡心搜羅世界各地同樣熱衷於純天然草本、永續發展和環境保護等理念的品牌.2. 預防 Prevention我們最希望帶出的訊息..

Relevance: 117.09068
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ePulsenet Hosting Company We are a web hosting company. Our Web Site is Under Constructed Now, please come to visit again later. If there is any enquiry, please feel free to contact us. 我們是一家網絡寄存公司。 我們的網站正在建設中,請於稍後時間再來探訪。 如有任何問題,歡迎隨時 向我們查詢。..

Relevance: 111.67503
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GROUNDWORK is an architecture studio based in Hong Kong...

Relevance: 105.504776
中興科技集團有限公司成立於1965年,我們一直專注於開發殺菌和消毒產品,以通過各種殺菌功能來改善空氣質量。多年來,我們擁有1,000多種不同風格的照明和空氣消毒產品,其中就我們的產品設計和銷售業績均獲得了無數獎項和獎勵,這是對我們不斷開發新技術和新產品造福人類的最大鼓勵。John Technology Holdings Limited was founded in 1965. We had been placing a special focus in developing..

Relevance: 97.97603
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Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously.....

Relevance: 97.65782
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上海梓襄机械科技有限公司是一家中德合作企业,一直专注于轨道交通领域受电弓配件、受电弓碳滑板,电刷等产品;同时我们在汽车领域可以提供各类型非标紧固件。在德国伙伴的支持下可以确保我们可以提供优质的进口件。 我们为客户在轨道交通领域可以提供的产品: 受电弓气囊组件,阻尼器,弓头橡胶弹簧、ADD自动降弓阀,升弓钢丝绳等; 受电弓用碳滑板(地铁,轻轨,有轨电车,第三轨集电靴); 电力机车和地铁轻轨用接地电刷; 我们有在轨道交通行业专业的技术工程人员,可以为客户提供受电弓,碳滑板,电刷相关技术支持。..

Relevance: 96.236786
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Great Fun Design and Production Company A comprehensive one-stop high quality design and production company, just let us know your concept, very caring and thoughtful, and accurately resolve customer problems and to achieve cost effective results..

Relevance: 95.198204
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(This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.....

Relevance: 92.89514
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關於丞翊 ABOUT US 在整頓空間時,窗簾往往是最容易被忽視的一環,不過您可知道,窗簾扮演了空間氣氛的要角,其功能性從大眾熟知的遮光效果,到現在隔熱控溫、調節屋內光線等,窗材多了很多種實用又美觀的選擇. 但選擇太多,又會讓人無從挑起,也不知道什麼產品適合您的空間,丞翊有多年的實務和搭配經驗,利用您家中的裝潢風..

Relevance: 92.72419
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MOLETECH, the leading nano-technology biotechnology company since 2005. Offers the Greentech fuel saver, and advanced solutions of cleaning energy solution... When our brand price structure does not meet your needs or you have special..

Relevance: 91.82688
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佛州奧維多中文學校 Oviedo Chinese School - Our goal is to teach Mandarin Chinese to anyone who is interested in learning Mandarin Chinese and would like to learn Mandarin Chinese. To pass on the language and culture to not only future generations of..

Relevance: 91.396126
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秉承一九四六年培僑中學建校以來誠心誠意為香港的進步、為中國的富強培養人才的教育精神,我們於二零零五年在香港沙田開辦一所培僑書院,決心在為社會、為國家培育新生代方面作出進一步的承擔. In 1946, our first school in Hong Kong, Pui Kiu Middle School, was founded. Our mission is to nurture outstanding young people for the ever improving Hong Kong..

Relevance: 91.27855
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亲爱的朋友, 不知你的暑期过的怎么样啦?在玩耍/学习/工作之余,欢迎你来参加我们UTMCCF的暑期聚会。我们的聚会将在每周周五举行,详细时间地点如下: Time:6-8:30PM Location: 多伦多浸信会(72 Beverley St.) 本周五,期待你的到来。 温馨提示:June 24th 处于多大考试周,故团契暂停一次!各位有考试的小伙伴加油加油呀。 Dear Friends, UTMCCF's summer fellowship is starting in person this..

Relevance: 90.027145
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Suchan is a homegrown brand from Malaysia that was founded in 1994. We use real recipes free of preservatives to make homemade baked cakes, cookies, and pastries. We provide Durians, Herbs, Flowers Teas, and Keto and Non-Keto goods. We welcome..

Relevance: 89.94794
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mooyu soap we do uniquely designed soap. all are handmade with love. mooyu soap not only a soap, it's also an art soap. mooyu soap 沐語藝術美感手工皂 mooyu 沐語藝術美感手工皂 除了以純手工、純天然製作,以保有香皂該有的功能外,我們更希望收到沐語製作的手工皂的朋友們,除了開心以外,還可以欣賞手工皂的美,不單單把它當做一塊普通的手工皂,而是把它當做一件藝術品...

Relevance: 88.784904
SUN IN TEA主營喬木型樹茶,古樹野茶是我們的主力.輕啜一口,感受如浮雲般的輕鬆自在.放空一下,享受無人工介入的美好.回到初心,體會生命最初的單纯..

Relevance: 88.71918
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印象文字(InPress Books)是基道文字事工面向社會的出版平台,其中 value in press 系列主要從社科角度深耕各類社會議題;passion in press 系列寄寓了我們對出版的熱情,從議題轉向人物,再進到現實的生命場景;而vision in press 系列則旨在將信仰落實於日常與公共,希望擴闊讀者的視界。..

Relevance: 87.54976
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Oya Eurasia 成立于2020年12月,德国下萨克森州。我们的中德两国的咨询师均在中德两地从业多年,精熟两国的文化和商业习惯。不仅在工商业领域,在对企业家和工作人员的综合服务上,我们很给力。以专注于事业且以人为本的服务理念,填补信息和服务上的空缺,分享专业经验,欧亚助您走向欧洲的路,畅通无阻。..

Relevance: 87.43875
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Globally present, industry awarded and highly experienced, we are committed to making travel better for all. 我们在全球开展业务,获得业界广泛认可,并拥有丰富经验,致力于为所有人提供更好的旅游体验。 我們業務遍佈全球,備受業界認可,而且經驗豐富,致力為所有人提供更佳的旅遊體驗。... Established in 1998 and headquartered in Hong Kong,..

Relevance: 86.58893
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我们是一家以品牌电子商务为核心的整合型商业解决方案供应商。 We are an integrated business solution provider focusing on brand e-commerce... 在商业数字的时代背景下,我们专注于高效营销和高效运营驱动品牌销售,为品牌搭建强大的后台支持平台,协助品牌完成全渠道的高效协同,且在策略层面构建品牌数字化重塑规划,打造可延展空间,使品牌完整渗透到消费者不断变化的生活方式中,为品牌创造最大的商业价值。 In this..

Relevance: 86.51871
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Home, Accessory 廚房與浴室五金 Door Hardware 門五金 Component 零 件 ,Unilux Hardware,Unilux Hardware Ltd.,Founded in 2006. Unilux provides components, unique parts, and complete product assemblies as OEM and ODM partner. Customers across barrier-free, kitchen..

Relevance: 86.35047
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有璽室內設計 | 住宅設計 | 商業空間設計 | 老屋翻新 成立於2017年的有璽室內設計,隱身在民生社區巷弄之中,能貼近這片土地以及居住在此的人們是最珍貴的事.對我們而言,「人」為空間中最重要的元素,彼此所產生的對話,會產生溫度並激盪出新的想法與思維. YX Interior Design is a space. A space to communicate and explore the infinite possibilities of themselves and their..

Relevance: 86.17964
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博樂伯樂成立於2011年,目前已代理全球多間音樂廠牌,音樂類型包含古典、爵士、西洋與獨立音樂。近年將實體音樂發行觸角延伸至黑膠唱片,獨家引進Light In The Attic、Music On Vinyl、Vinyl Passion等數間國外優質黑膠唱片廠牌,以饗愛樂人。2013年與台灣獨立音樂品牌風和日麗合作,發行ciacia 何欣穗《She & Me》專輯黑膠唱片。未來將持續引進與挖掘更多值得一聽與收藏的好音樂,就是我們的經營理念。..

Relevance: 86.069595
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[[en]]Over the past years, DreamStarter, as an education innovation initiative, has connected over 5000 of teachers and students with corporates, institutions and individuals from the public communities to turn hundreds of Dreams of Empathy and..

Relevance: 86.042145
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Founded in 1989, Lu's Garden is located in Valley Plaza on Valley Boulevard in San Gabriel. We wish to continue to provide extraordinary services by establishing a clean and bright dining environment, satisfying the appetite of our busy customers..

Relevance: 85.661736
Xiangqi is an ancient Chinese board game. It's very popular in Asia and is gaining popularity in Europe and North America. It has more than 500 millions fans worldwide. NJXA is a not-for-profit organization. The main purpose of the NJXA is to promote..

Relevance: 85.42434
A lock ( lock ) or google taiwan news 例如,上一個玩家下注50,你想要加注,就必須下至少100,你也可以下110、160、120、600等等,只要是超過一個倍數以上,都可以隨意你下,你也可以選擇ALLIN。..

Relevance: 84.661064
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中国科学院大学(英文名:University of Chinese Academy of Sciences),简称"国科大",是国家教育部批准成立的一所以研究生教育为主的科教融合、独具特色的高等学校。国科大的前身是中国科学院研究生院,隶属于我国自然科学最高学术机构--中国科学院。国科大坚持"科教融合"的办学方针,与中国科学院所属科研机构在管理体制、师资队伍... .....

Relevance: 84.608315