Companies similar to DIABETES CARE TRUST (ABCD)
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Diabetes Care Trust (ABCD) is a registered charity number 1139057, a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales under company number 74248361... The Diabetes Care Trust is a charity that supports the Association of British Clinical..

Relevance: 36.896065
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The mission of Learning About Diabetes, Inc., is to provide easy-to-understand diabetes-care information to people with diabetes, the general public, and diabetes health care professionals... Learning About Diabetes, Inc., is a non-profit charity..

Relevance: 30.475285
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Our Future Health is designed to help researchers tackle the growing burden of disease in the UK. Research suggests that currently, 54% of people aged 65 or older live with two or more serious health conditions, like cancer, Alzheimer's, heart..

Relevance: 25.456354
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Junction Community Trust is a company limited by guarantee (Company number 08032776) and is a registered charity (Charity number 1149780)... Junction Community Trust is a resource for people in the local community to find practical help and support...

Relevance: 25.214827
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Quothquan Trust is a small local grant making charity; we consider written applications for grants periodically... Quothquan Trust was established by memorandum and articles of association under company number 5316223 and is a registered charity..

Relevance: 25.166567
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Portsmouth Royal Dockyard Historical Trust is registered as a charity, Charity Number 1040207, Company Number 2956399... The Portsmouth Royal Dockyard Trust - to strengthen links between the Trust and members of the public regarding its objects,..

Relevance: 25.011196
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The Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) is a UK based suicide awareness and prevention initiative hosted by Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and funded via Mersey Cares NHS Charity... Zero Suicide Alliance is hosted by Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and..

Relevance: 24.579815
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Diabetes Ireland is the only national charity in Ireland dedicated to helping people with diabetes. We achieve this by providing support, education, and motivation to everyone affected by diabetes. We also raise public awareness of diabetes and its..

Relevance: 24.459185
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The Mariposa Trust is a leading support charity primarily working within the field of baby loss and bereavement... The Mariposa Trust is a Charity registered in England and Wales number 1151108 and a Company limited by Guarantee registered in..

Relevance: 24.247124
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A public charity 501c3 organization targeted to promote and advance diabetes care in the Pacific..

Relevance: 24.242817
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Resurgo Trust St Paul's Place, Macbeth St London W6 9JJ. Resurgo Trust is a company limited by guarantee (Company number 4670794) with charitable status (Charity Number 1100885)...

Relevance: 24.054842
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The Engineers Trust is The Worshipful Company of Engineers Charitable Trust Fund (Charity Number: 289819)... Through its charity, the Engineers Trust, the Company donates over £100,000 every year to a wide range of awards and prizes, primarily for..

Relevance: 24.030571
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The Christchurch Charitable Trust is a local, independent, charity. We provide grants for projects which benefit the community in the Christchurch area... Christchurch Charitable Trust is a Company limited by guarantee and is registered under the..

Relevance: 23.88143
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The Equal Rights Trust is a company limited by guarantee incorporated in England. Company number 5559173. It is also a registered charity, number 1113288...

Relevance: 23.785322
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The Sheppard Trust is a charity and company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Registered address c/o Buzzacott LLP, 130 Wood Street, London EC2V 6DL. Company number 6621820, Charity no. 1133356. A member of The Almshouse..

Relevance: 23.406929
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Many people with diabetes throughout the UK, Ireland, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, France and other parts of the EC as well as Russia... Arctic Medical: Diabetes Care, Blood Cell Counting, Blood Plasma Products. A British company promoting..

Relevance: 23.333485
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The Royal College of Midwives, a company limited by guarantee, registration number 30157. The Royal College of Midwives Trust, a company limited by guarantee, registration number 1345335. A charity registered in England & Wales under registration..

Relevance: 23.315834
The Radiology department at Pinderfields Hospital have big ambitions to build an MRI diagnostic suite that will bring diagnoses and treatments in line with other major centres across the UK. MY Hospitals Charity support their commitment to improving..

Relevance: 22.990686
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The Saintbury Trust is a charity registered with the Charity Commission under registration number 326790... The Saintbury Trust is a medium-sized grant making charitable trust...

Relevance: 22.989813
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The Kindling Trust is a not-for-profit company with charitable objects (company number: 06136029). We are part of a family of organisations who are accountable to the charity Fairfield Environment Trust (Charity Number 1153131)... Since 2007, we've..

Relevance: 22.887049
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The Mara Rianda Charitable Trust is a company that was incorporated in England on 5 February 2004. Its company number is 5035681. It was registered as a charity with the UK Charity Commission on 23 February 2004. Its charity number is 1102255. It is..

Relevance: 22.8685
The Graham High Charitable Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales (1149046) Company Registration Number: 8188096..

Relevance: 22.745108
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Riverhouse Barn Arts Centre is run by Riverhouse Barn Ltd, a limited company wholly owned by Walton-On-Thames Community Arts Trust (Charity number 292178)... Since opening in 1989, Riverhouse has built a reputation as a high quality arts centre..

Relevance: 22.727587
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Bigfoot Biomedical was founded by a team of people with personal connections to Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. We seek to change the paradigm of care for diabetes. Bigfoot is an unconventional company taking an unconventional approach. Unlike others,..

Relevance: 22.707443
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Eyehope is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (charity number 1177770)... Eyehope supports research and training that leads to improvements in the safety and effectiveness of..

Relevance: 22.571991
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The Hebridean Trust, a charity set up to support, stimulate and develop the economies of island communities... The Hebridean Trust Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, with a company number 1653639...

Relevance: 22.525345
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Diabetes Isle of Man is a non-profit organisation based in the Isle of Man, registered as a Manx charity (No. 415). Diabetes UK (a charity registered in England & Wales under no. 215199 and in Scotland under no. SC039136) support us by giving us..

Relevance: 22.502108
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The Diocese of Leeds is a Charity registered in England and Wales as Leeds Diocesan Trust, registration number 249404. The sole trustee of the charity is a trust corporation, The Diocese of Leeds Trustee, registered in England and Wales, registration..

Relevance: 22.423298
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DMI Centre was established in 1999 as a not-for-profit medical charity organization with the objective of creating awareness in diabetes and its management. DMI Centre empowers people living with diabetes, conducts mass screening on diabetes,..

Relevance: 22.381172
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Our aim is to spend that money by supporting scientific research into the prevention, causes and treatment of diabetes and diabetic retinopathy... diabetes charity to help people with Diabetes by supporting Diabetes and Retinopathy Research..

Relevance: 22.104961