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The Research University Alliance (RUA) is made up of a nine-university partnership that includes Berkeley, Caltech, Georgia Tech, Harvard University, UC Los Angeles, University of Michigan, Stanford University, University of Texas at Austin and..

Relevance: 14.284747
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Wayne State University is a premier research university with annual research expenditures of more than $221 million in the heart of Detroit. The university is a partner in the University Research Corridor with the University of Michigan and Michigan..

Relevance: 13.882836
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Founded in 1993 by a prominent group of academics, The Center for Investment Research is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation brought into existence in response to the growing need for practical research designed to enhance the abilities of..

Relevance: 13.867081
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UKERC is an independent research centre, with researchers based in 13 different institutions throughout the UK. These are: Cardiff University, Imperial College London, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Science and Technology Facilities Council, University..

Relevance: 13.841854
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Wageningen University & Research is a collaboration between Wageningen University and the Wageningen Research foundation...

Relevance: 13.800088
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University Research Space Planning at Arizona State University provides strategic management of university research buildings and infrastructure. Our mission is to achieve the most effective, efficient use of space to advance research goals across..

Relevance: 13.750542
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Dr Alex Zarifis research and teaching are on the practical applications of technology in business. Before the University of Southampton, he worked at several academic institutions including the University of Cambridge, University of Manchester and..

Relevance: 13.73741
The CMDT is a national resource linking research activities at NZ Universities and Crown Research Institutes (CRIs) and agencies with companies, healthcare providers, regulatory and industry bodies, the Health Innovation Hub, and the..

Relevance: 13.71171
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■ ERA Chair Professor in AI for SSH (TALOS), University of Crete (Greece) ■ Emeritus Professor in Artificial Intelligence, University Savoie Mont-Blanc (France) ■ Special Appointment Professor, University of Liaocheng (China) ■ Head of the Condillac..

Relevance: 13.703441
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The University of Manchester's Research Explorer is a rich source of information about research at the University...

Relevance: 13.672016
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NExT is a joint collaboration between the National University of Singapore and Tsinghua University on heterogeneous data analytics and associated AI research... NExT is a leading AI joint research centre by the National University of Singapore and..

Relevance: 13.621511
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Wayne State University is a premier research university with annual research expenditures of more than $221 million in the heart of Detroit. The university is a partner in the University Research Corridor with the University of Michigan and Michigan..

Relevance: 13.572828
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SHARE is funded by the government of Singapore through the National Research Foundation, under the Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE). SHARE is a non-profit company owned by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem... The..

Relevance: 13.570053
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Researchers at the Medical Research Council Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit (MRC LEU), University of Southampton, the National University of Singapore (NUS), National University Health System (NUHS) and Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences of the..

Relevance: 13.484154
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HIIT is a strategic partnership between Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. We provide support for information and communications technology research through funding and other direct measures, such as funded positions... HIIT is funded..

Relevance: 13.476419
  • 4
This webtool has been constructed through a joint effort of WFSR - Wageningen University and Research and Bioscience - Wageningen University and Research...

Relevance: 13.472822
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CAIR was established in 2011 with the aim of building world class Artificial Intelligence research capacity in South Africa. CAIR conducts foundational, directed and applied research into various aspects of AI through its nine established research..

Relevance: 13.455164
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ERPem, a consortium involving the University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University and Edinburgh Napier University, is organised into six Joint Research Institutes (JRIs) dedicated to world-class research, innovation and education in engineering and..

Relevance: 13.410341
  • 15
The University of Colorado is the leading institution for the Lunar University Network for Astrophysics Research (LUNAR). We are conducting a program for research, education and outreach, and community development to advance Astrophysics from the..

Relevance: 13.395222
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OHSL was originally created in 2008 as a program of the International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research (INCTR) , a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping build capacity for cancer research and treatment. In 2011, OHSL incorporated..

Relevance: 13.362544
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University Research Institutes and Centers Administration provides comprehensive, customized administrative, financial and strategic assistance to all Northwestern University Research Institutes and Centers to foster an environment where..

Relevance: 13.358049
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The School of Computer Science at Peking University covers the most comprehensive research fields in Computer Science. We conduct a wide range of research in various areas, including software engineering, information security, human-computer..

Relevance: 13.352413
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  As a comprehensive scientific research institute integrating production, education and research, the institute has two industrial modules, namely marine equipment and marine biological engineering, and has a pilot test base and an industrial..

Relevance: 13.345615
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Ecostructure brought together key research institutions from both sides of the Irish Sea, including Aberystwyth University, Bangor University, and Swansea University in Wales, and University College Dublin and University College Cork in Ireland.....

Relevance: 13.3347435
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The University of Maryland, Baltimore is recognized as one of the preeminent public research universities in the nation. The University educates students who become leaders in their chosen professions; its faculty conduct research that is..

Relevance: 13.326098
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The School of Management at Swansea University is a UK top provider of Management and Accounting and Finance education... Swansea University is a research-led university that has been making a difference since 1920. The University community thrives..

Relevance: 13.300823
Use of Duke University Directory results are only permitted for purposes consistent with Duke business, academic or research activities... Official gateway to information and online resources of Duke University, a private research university located..

Relevance: 13.295908
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CENTRE-PD aims to implement a TWINNING of the two worldwide leading Parkinson's clinical research centres at the University of Oxford and at the Center for Neurology and Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tübingen, with the..

Relevance: 13.294755
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OnePlanet Research Center is a multidisciplinary collaboration agreement between Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Radboud University, Radboudumc and imec. We use the latest chip and digital technologies to create a society in which everyone..

Relevance: 13.28657
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The Wales Cancer Research Centre is part of Cardiff University and is funded by Welsh Government through Health and Care Research Wales... We are the Wales Cancer Research Centre, based at Cardiff University and funded by Health and Care Research..

Relevance: 13.265651