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NinjaTrader® is a registered trademark of NinjaTrader Group, LLC. No NinjaTrader company has any affiliation with the owner, developer, or provider of the products or services described herein, or any interest, ownership or otherwise, in any such..

Relevance: 28.275978
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We build software exclusively for the NinjaTrader Desktop Platform, which is unmatched in flexibility to customize indicators, drawing tools, strategies, and more! We stand behind NinjaTrader as one of the best charting and execution platforms in the..

Relevance: 23.921593
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Our software seamlessly integrates into the free version of NinjaTrader 8 and works with any tick data-feed that NinjaTrader supports... DeltaPrint© tools provide clear, visually intuitive information to augment your order flow trading decision-..

Relevance: 23.405714
  • is‘s new sister brand. We are one of the best & largest vendors in the NinjaTrader world, supplying innovative trading solutions for... We provide HelloWin as an analysis addon for NinjaTrader 8 that helps traders create &..

Relevance: 22.104723
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This website is hosted and operated by NinjaTrader, LLC ("NT"), a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology relating to and including the NinjaTrader trading platform. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader..

Relevance: 21.971085
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EBWorx was founded in 2016 by Erwin Beckers. After developing numerous ICT solutions for more then 15 years he decided to start up EBWorx and specialize in NinjaTrader development... EBWorx is specialized in developing custom indicators, strategies,..

Relevance: 21.789917
We encourage you to contact us with any questions you may have. We look forward to speaking with you!... Please check out the NinjaTrader® indicators and strategies that we have to offer... NinjaTrader® is our #1 recommended trading software..

Relevance: 20.758736
We provide custom trading indicators and studies for the NinjaTrader and Sierra Chart platforms... High performance order flow and market profile for Sierra Chart and NinjaTrader * Sierra Chart add-ons * 14 day Free Trial * Subscription or Lifetime..

Relevance: 20.274939
Our platform offers a comprehensive library of trading indicators, tailored specifically for the web version of NinjaTrader and Tradovate... Access our ever expanding library of trading tools and indicators beautifully designed for Tradovate and..

Relevance: 20.207497
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NinjaTrader is recognized for our unique combination of a high-performance trading platform, discount pricing, and real-time support... NinjaTrader is a unique futures trading provider, centralizing all the tools and services needed for both new and..

Relevance: 19.842289
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NinjaTrader Group, LLC together with its subsidiaries provides award winning trading software and brokerage services to active traders... Founded in 2003, NinjaTrader has evolved into an industry leader supporting over 500,000 traders around the..

Relevance: 19.251595
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Lucrum Trading Systems is a developer of both discretionary & automatic trading tools for the NinjaTrader platform as well as a trading education & system development consulting company. Our longstanding relationship with NinjaTrader as an Ecosystem..

Relevance: 18.72774
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If you use another trading platform, let us know which one, and then consider that OrderFly works with all versions of Ninjatrader 8(including the free one), enabling you to use it on Cryptocurrencies, Futures, Forex that you trade elsewhere. You can..

Relevance: 18.160124
Interested in becoming a NinjaTrader Ecosystem 3rd party Vendor? Contact Us to learn more...

Relevance: 18.09481
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NinjaTrader's award-winning trading platform is consistently voted an industry leader by the trading community. Featuring 1000s of Apps & Add-Ons for unlimited customization, NinjaTrader is used by over 60,000 traders for advanced market analysis,..

Relevance: 17.995716
Our Automated Strategies enable traders to remove their emotions and rely entirely on strategy, data and analysis... Senjutsu Auto Traders for NinjaTrader 8 - Boost Your Trading Performance. Experience the advanced features and reliable automation..

Relevance: 17.696281
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Our strategy and indicators only work with NinjaTrader 7 and 8. The Auto Controlled Risk Strategy works beautifully with Chart Trader, which is the trading platform for NinjaTrader. The protective stops and targets trigger right on the NinjaTrader..

Relevance: 17.591187
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Ninja Mastery is dedicated to helping you learn the award winning NinjaTrader platform so you can easily implement and evaluate your trading ideas... We Provide the Tips, Tools and Training You Need to Create and Improve Your Trading Strategies..

Relevance: 17.56063
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Eos Trading Systems is a NinjaTrader Vendor. This means that we have access to special tools created by NinjaTrader and we are periodically audited to ensure that we are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations... Learn more about our..

Relevance: 17.518187
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I am a 2008 graduate of Taylor University in Upland, Indiana with a bachelor's degree in Business Management / Systems with a minor in Finance. I grew up in Ohio, and currently reside in Atlanta, Georgia... I am an active futures trader and software..

Relevance: 17.507654
NinjaTools is an informational website dedicated to the NinjaTrader trading platform, offering platform, futures and market data education, much-needed trading tools, and a software development service to help traders create custom indicators,..

Relevance: 17.367554
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Use Bloodhound to create your own discretionary or automated system with AcuTrader... Trade manually or build custom automated trading strategies with SharkIndicators Bloodhound... NinjaTrader Trading Indicator for Futures, Commodities, Forex,..

Relevance: 17.231815
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Financial Algorithms provide advance programming services for hedge funds and retail traders. Final employees have many years of programming experience and understand the high demands of the trading industry. We can deliver tailor made solutions to..

Relevance: 17.096437
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We at RenkoKings have developed a software package that is the #1 Trading Indicator for CL, NQ, ES, YM or the EUR/USD, USD/JPY and other currencies. Our software is designed in such a way to make entries simple and clear for you... Through these..

Relevance: 16.803452
Your browser was unable to load some necessary resources, contact your IT network administrator and ask them to allow access to... Automate trade copying with Trading Solutions FX NinjaTrader 8 Order Copier. Copy trades across multiple accounts with..

Relevance: 16.706076
Filter entry by Higher Time Frame (aka HTF, Anchor Chart) Small and Large Time Frame must be in agreement to enter a trade... NinjaTrader® is our #1 recommended trading software platform preferred by traders worldwide including our clients.....

Relevance: 16.516861
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Ocean Trading Indicators is a proud NinjaTrader vendor that is owned and operated under Julian Bartuccio-Mains...

Relevance: 16.473738
NinjaMonitor is a monitoring application designed to alert you when your NinjaTrader automated strategies are having problems...

Relevance: 16.473738
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The Advanced Research trading tools laboratory presents a product line for Order Flow analysis in the modern trading terminal NinjaTrader 8..

Relevance: 16.414268
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Trading OrderFlow™ is a brand registered trademark of QuantSpark® Technology LDA established in 2017, in Lisbon, Portugal... At Trading OrderFlow by QuantSpark® Technology, we specialize in developing custom tools for our clients as well as..

Relevance: 16.393915