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1-30 of 86 results

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At Good News Church, we are intrigued to discover what Jesus is up to in your life. It is our mission to empower you and train you to make a maximum impact in this world for the Kingdom of love... Good News Church is a community church with a..

Relevance: 14.971496
  • 1
  • 6
Since opening our doors in 1990, Manuel G Nofplot III Insurance Agency Inc. has been committed to providing customized insurance solutions to southeast Virginia. With more than 60 years of combined experience, our staff of caring and knowledgeable..

Relevance: 13.43615
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  • 7
The Whole Pet Vet is proud to partner with local organizations in our community to help serve all of the pets in Los Gatos. We frequently partner with the Humane Society of Silicon Valley to bring health and awareness to our community pets and their..

Relevance: 10.693628
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  • 11
Our mission is to provide outstanding, professional services in an environment that exudes warmth, class and serenity. Each client will receive our undivided attention. We will listen carefully and strive to obtain the best results possible. Our..

Relevance: 10.097416
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  • 26
  • 11
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is the newest bureau under the Department of the Treasury, with its headquarters in Washington, DC, and the National Revenue Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, along with field offices throughout the U.S...

Relevance: 9.8904705
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  • 14
Donations may be directed to established programs or contributed to the Foundation's general fund. Contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible. HANDS is a local charity, not supported by any national organization. All money raised here stays..

Relevance: 8.9384
  • 19
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  • 17
TECNA is a federation of more than 60 highly collaborative technology councils and trade associations in the US and Canada that, in turn, represent more than 22,000 technology-related companies in North America. We empower regional technology..

Relevance: 7.9791775
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  • 19
The Hundred Club of Genesee, Shiawassee and Lapeer Counties is an organization of Genesee, Shiawassee and Lapeer County residents who contribute money each year for the benefit of public servants who have been killed or disabled in the line of..

Relevance: 7.4669313
  • 15
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Rides Mass Transit District is a federally funded public transportation system. Service is available to anyone needing transportation. RMTD provides door-to-door and fixed route service in some communities. The fleet consists of lift-equipped and..

Relevance: 7.37595
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  • 22
Artsbridge began in 1986 when 250 citizens came together and formulated a Cultural Action Plan for the Mid-Ohio Valley. From that comprehensive plan emerged Artsbridge, the arts service agency for Washington County, Ohio and Wood County, West..

Relevance: 6.9355288
  • 18
  • 31
SEMINAR: "Exploring structure-activity relationships (SAR) in curated PubChem sources with potential AI/ ML applications," Christopher Southan, Honorary Professor at the University of Edinburgh, Fellow of the BPS, RSC, and RSB, Adjunct Associate..

Relevance: 6.5619707
  • 27
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  • 53
Our core service delivery is provided via our Legal Counsel Service (LCS) team, and our Transaction Services team... We advise on all forms of private company share schemes, from HMRC approved schemes, including EMI, CSOP and SAYE, to non-tax..

Relevance: 6.4975495
  • 3
  • 24
If you've been arrested, the first thing you need is to find the right law firm to help you - the kind of law firm that you can place your faith and trust into, a law firm that you can believe in, and one that will believe in you too. The Reynolds..

Relevance: 6.38863
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CPE provides logistical resources for program registration, credit card processing, room reservations, and program materials every term. CPE also provides staff to oversee the implementation of programming, working closely with volunteers... Whether..

Relevance: 6.03617
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  • 27
That's why we created our Brand Rep program for those looking to break into the entertainment industry... Our Brand Reps operate on college campuses throughout the south and help Turnipblood build its brand, while at the same time gaining valuable..

Relevance: 6.034131
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  • 26
Edge is a formidable force, committed to making a substantial and enduring impact in healthcare. We excel in the skills necessary to discover innovative ideas and make them a reality including: ideation, product design, storytelling, venture..

Relevance: 5.9615016
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  • 34
Every child matters, every moment counts. Copplestone is a vibrant and happy and inclusive school where every child's talent is recognised and valued. In partnership with parents, we set high expectations, encouraging both a sense of individual..

Relevance: 5.1052094
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  • 57
Copyright © 2024 Eastland CUSD #308. All rights reserved.Powered By Apptegy Visit us to learn more..

Relevance: 5.026407
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  • 37
Since 2011, MidSouth Orthopedics has been an Exclusive Distributor for Arthrex™ Surgical products, servicing the states of Arkansas and Northern Louisiana. MidSouth Orthopedics provides the product and support for surgeons and their staff in the..

Relevance: 4.907058
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  • 52
Wixams Tree Primary Academy is a fully inclusive academy working closely with a wider family of local academies and organisations, including Wixams Academy which is situated on the same campus. This unique campus arrangement will give the students..

Relevance: 4.7699165
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  • 36
CHCACT is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to strengthening and supporting the clinical and administrative operations of community health centers across Connecticut... CHCACT offers training and technical assistance for all facets of health..

Relevance: 4.6958127
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  • 33
NALP is an association of over 3000 legal career professionals who advise law students, lawyers, law offices, and law schools in North America and beyond... What brings NALP members together is a common belief in three fundamental things. First, all..

Relevance: 4.6924253
  • 41
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  • 28
Our aim is that Chichester High School provides all pupils with a rich and dynamic curriculum to enjoy in a safe environment... It is both a pleasure and a privilege to be the Headteacher of Chichester High School and our recent GOOD OfSTED report..

Relevance: 4.390665
  • 30
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  • 45
At Coole Bevis LLP Solicitors, we understand that life is a journey, with many twists and turns along the way. Our team of specialist solicitors, legal executives, consultants and support staff are right there with you, helping you to navigate the..

Relevance: 4.188499
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  • 44
Sustainable change can only succeed if the key players join forces. CIRCULAZE is uniting corporate executives, start-ups, experts, academia, and investors in the Circular Economy. We foster meaningful exchanges, inspiring dialogue, and mutual..

Relevance: 3.947163
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  • 42
Today we have teams with speech-language, occupational, physical, and family therapists. We also have a nurse, nutritionist, family services coordinators, developmental instructionists, infant massage therapists, and pediatric specialists. Our mental..

Relevance: 3.9070964
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  • 48
Gathered together in a small, countryside outpost with nothing but the clothes on our backs, some friendly neighboring goats, and a couple of dry erase markers, we created a handful of core values in an effort to capture what we love about AnLar and..

Relevance: 3.9070964
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  • 56
With around 2,400 active accounts, the UVA Fund provides efficient, quality service that reduces the administrative burden on clients, so they may focus on their mission and role at the University of Virginia... The UVA Alumni Association is a..

Relevance: 3.4902806
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In the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies (KRSS) at the University of Tennessee, our mission is to prepare scholars, practitioners, and leaders in exercise, sport, and recreation; to conduct cutting-edge research; and to..

Relevance: 3.4902806
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As a not-for-profit, mutual insurance company, Arkansas Blue Cross is owned by its policyholders, not by stockholders. This means that premium dollars are used solely to pay claims and administrative costs, not to pay stock dividends. Any excess..

Relevance: 3.4786568