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1-9 of 9 results

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Spatz Properties LLC is a family owned and operated real estate company specializing in commercial real estate, located in the Sound Shore areaof Westchester County, New York... Spatz Properties LLC has developed and consulted on various warehouses,..

Relevance: 21.254795
  • 1
  • 1
  • 10
We strive to offer the best customer service with personable, trustworthy mechanics with many years of expertise in the electrical trade. The owner Duane Martin has over 27 years of experience in the business and continues to strive to grow the..

Relevance: 14.527044
  • 2
  • 1
  • 37
BalletNova is a school with artistry and heart. Our artists push themselves to achieve their dreams, laying the foundation to make BalletNova a haven for the arts in our community through hard work, dedication, and humanity..

Relevance: 4.954485
  • 27
  • 16
  • 39
The registered offices of GIZ are in Bonn and Eschborn. In 2023, we generated a business volume of around EUR 4 billion. Our 25,634 employees, almost 70 per cent of whom are national staff, work in around 120 countries. As a recognised development..

Relevance: 4.806123
  • 15
  • 8
  • 42
We advise companies, individuals and the public sector in every legal aspect. In the long term and in the moment, strategy prevails... Joining us, you can expect excellent legal services by which we want to be judged by you. We pursue economically..

Relevance: 3.6824336
  • 272
  • 5
  • 54
The Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O) establishes scalable digital 3D Additive Manufacturing... On the application side, we aim at functional 3D hybrid optical and electronic systems, 3D artificial materials called..

Relevance: 2.400991
  • 273
  • 5
  • 53
The Cluster of Excellence is a collaboration of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University (Uni HD). It pursues an interdisciplinary approach through conjunction of natural, engineering, and social sciences. 3DMM2O establishes..

Relevance: 2.331273
  • 94
  • 56
  • 256
With the Yale School of Medicine MyYSM Intranet, we aim to highlight individuals and exemplary programs, help employees find necessary information, and provide organizational clarity and transparency... The Yale School of Medicine Black Postdoctoral..

Relevance: 0.94780886
  • 13
  • 2
  • 216
How are we organized? Who decides what we do? How do we get things done? MLA delivers its programs to members and the public through the following organization... CILIP Health Libraries Group (HLG) is a UK-based network of individuals working in or..

Relevance: 0.94780886