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1-20 of 20 results

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PharmaCRI is a leading Phase I to IV research organization serving the biopharmaceutical and medical device industries... PharmaCRI is an international, multi-specialty clinical research organization... Our goal is to provide health care..

Relevance: 14.435857
  • 1
  • 1
  • 7
Our goal is to provide health care professionals in Asia and the Middle East opportunities to work with new medications and cutting edge technology... Our executive team is supported by a group of voluntary Scientific Advisors from the industry and..

Relevance: 14.435857
  • 14
  • 30
  • 26
United Insurance Company Limited (UICL) is a publicly listed non-life insurance company maintaining the traditional values of insurance business since commencement in 1985. The Company transacts a wide range of non-life (general) insurance business..

Relevance: 11.945059
  • 2
  • 3
  • 19
As an independent energy sector advocacy body, PIP works with all stakeholders including the Government of Pakistan, industry and academia engaging them in a structured dialogue with PIP on energy sector issues. PIP also facilitates dialogue within..

Relevance: 11.234288
  • 1
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  • 17
ORBIT FOOD & BEVERAGES COMPANY was formed in the year 2007.The company started is operations by launching unique product named Atlantis Pure Water with an "motto'' be Healthy be Safe...

Relevance: 10.85535
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  • 12
Ardent Management & Project Services (AMPS) Ltd. is a consultancy firm engaged in providing specialized, sector based services to the growing number of business houses, development organizations, local NGOs, trusts or individuals who might need..

Relevance: 10.446836
  • 2
  • 5
  • 18
H&Z Law Firm is headquartered in the heart of Golden Square in New Cairo, Egypt. We provide high-quality, cost-effective, and timely legal services nationally and globally. Individuals and corporate organizations with commercial interests in Egypt..

Relevance: 10.3199625
  • 69
  • 52
  • 56

Relevance: 10.308123
  • 69
  • 52
  • 56

Relevance: 9.965891
  • 1
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  • 21
Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited is known as a commercial bank. Like all commercial banks BCBL's core business is obtaining deposit and providing loans. It is a financial institution providing services for businesses, organizations and individuals...

Relevance: 9.691886
  • 24
  • 33
  • 38
Asia insurance Limited (AiL) is one of the leading non-life insurance Company in Bangladesh and was incorporated as Public Limited Company on 30 April 2000 under the Company Act, 1994 and obtained registration from the former Chief Controller of..

Relevance: 8.224905
  • 164
  • 538
  • 163
EXIM Bank believes in togetherness with its entire stakeholder in a broader inclusive sense to the endless pursuit of glory and success. Since inception in 1999, the term "social responsibility" is much more emphasized than the term 'profit..

Relevance: 8.143035
  • 30
  • 1
  • 26
Our children desperately need a place to learn the Quran, and to grow holistically - mind, body, and soul. As a result, Quba Academy decided to take up the challenge to deliver the next level of education to our students... We began with a single..

Relevance: 7.405007
  • 114
  • 78
  • 90
By the Grace of almighty Allah, Midland Bank PLC., a fourth generation bank in Bangladesh started its journey on the 9th of April, 2013. Midland Bank is committed to its core vision & missions and plans to be a frontrunner financial institution by..

Relevance: 7.043636
  • 28
  • 80
  • 145
For making future life prospective 04 (four) stage plan of Alpha Islami Life Insurance Limited is an attractive plan. Policyholder gets his whole Sum Assured with profit by 04(four) More..... For providing financial security of mass people & make..

Relevance: 6.1690044
  • 2
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  • 95
Our approach means that whether it's speed, flexibility, efficiency or quality, every aspect has been carefully considered to surpass expectations. This is why we've been a trusted partner of the NHS for over ten years, and the provider of choice for..

Relevance: 6.054539
  • 1
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  • 32
TALON Corporation Ltd is one of the leading Travel Agency in Bangladesh, providing the comprehensive travel opportunities of all kinds, of all forms, and for everyone. Engaged in the development of the travel industry. It is run by a team of..

Relevance: 5.9656687
  • 6
  • 4
  • 2080
In December 2021, PICG completed 17 years as the premier corporate governance institute in Pakistan. In the decade and a half, PICG has established its presence in the country as the Institute which has gone from strength to strength. With current..

Relevance: 5.4703918
  • 160
  • 4
  • 163
North South University is the first private university of Bangladesh, was established in 1992... NSU's position in Bangladesh according to the following international ranking platforms..

Relevance: 4.7421017
  • 3
  • 16
  • 107
ACPN is the leading provider of neurological and psychiatric care in the UAE. Our qualified and experienced team of doctors, nurses, and therapists ensure your loved one's health is in safe hands... ACPN is one of the premier treatment centers..

Relevance: 2.7908041