Alan Ellis

Alan Ellis - Alan has an extensive background in the control valve service industry having more than 30 years experience in the business in both field service and sales roles, working for highly respected companies such as Severn Unival, ABB Kent Introl (Koso Kent Introl ), CCI (Control Components Incorporated). Throughout Alan's career he has gained experience on a multitude of control valve designs and manufacturer's, ranging from basic globe valves to subsea choke valves.

Mark McParland

Mark McParland - Mark has an extensive background in the Control Valve Industry having worked for several leading manufacturers. Beginning as a service engineer travelling internationally, then progressing to Western Europe Service Manager. Finally progressing to a senior management role as EAME (Europe Africa Middle East) Field Service Business Development Manager for a leading global severe service valve manufacturer. Mark has an extensive knowledge of Control Valves and Severe service control valve maintenance in the Oil Gas and Nuclear and Fossil Power industries including Topside and Sub-Sea Choke valves.