Anne Kay

Anne encourages students to understand how they can use class practice in their daily lives. Yoga develops both physical and mental wellbeing in a way that is helpful when at work and at play. The improvement in movement, posture, strength and flexibility results in a more balanced and stable approach to the events we encounter. This is true whatever our physical abilities, age or life's experiences.

Carolyn Clarke

Carolyn is the main tutor for Jasmine Trust and has a wealth of experience in yoga teaching with over 30 years experience to draw on. The main elements in her teaching are connected to finding something that everyone can achieve and this informs the class content. The ethos she works around is about equality and diversity. Carolyn is a Diploma Course Tutor and a Foundation Course Tutor for BWY and quality assures their teacher training all over the country.

Hannah West

Hannah is a recently qualified yoga teacher, who studied with the BWY. Hannah encourages students to see yoga as a personal journey without comparing themselves to others or worrying about where they 'should be' rather than where they are. She aims to create classes with a relaxed atmosphere where students can learn, inquire and practise with joy. A focus will be, connecting the breath to each movement or asana.