Demelza Lowe

Job Titles:
  • Owner / Trainer & Assessor
Demelza is the one who runs a tight ship within Lowe Maintenance. Known also as big ‘D' in her former teaching career! Background After teaching at a local college for over ten years specialising with the 14-16yr olds who weren't interested in school (and thoroughly enjoying that challenge) decided in 2012 that it was time for the next chapter and a new challenge and joined Phill in Lowe Maintenance. Originally training at Askham Bryan College HND Horticulture (fancy a farmer going into horticulture - black sheep of the family there!) she was always interested in trees but not been brave enough in her late teens to pursue arboriculture with all those burly fellas and went into garden design and certainly regretted it. Fortunately years later got to continue that passion for tree climbing and machinery, thankfully.

Louise Kirkbride

Job Titles:
  • Trainer and Assessor

Phill Lowe - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Owner
  • Trainer
Phill is not just a member of the Lowe Maintenance family - he's the one who started it all! Lowe Maintenance began all the way back in 2004, which doesn't actually seem long ago at all (but put it this way… if Lowe Maintenance was a child, they would be starting university!). And if you are wondering why we have a dragon to represent us, it is because Phill is Welsh and fiercely proud of that, so of course, the dragon goes everywhere with us! Background Phill spent 23 and a half years in the military before leaving due to an injury. Already being a dab-hand at sewing, due to a parachute riggers ticket. He has found this skill to be a good way to spend spare time producing the awesome rope bags and other products in our shop area. Besides, if he ever fell out of a tree, he says he could always get a wheelchair up to his sewing machines. In 1986, Phill took his first chainsaw course. Things have sure changed since then! At that point, he began calling companies whilst on leave to ask about unpaid occasional work for further chainsaw practice - and as a result wound up working all over the world, including UK, South America, Canada, and Norway. Whilst working with chainsaws, Phill then expanded his remit through tree climbing - a match made in arborist heaven! Both these skills are perfectly suited to Phill - who loves to get his head down, switch off and enjoy these thought-heavy processes. Since then, Phill has become a specialist in many wide-ranging courses and has become truly "a font of all knowledge" as many candidates can attest to. Phill is a fan of long-range shooting and enjoys making handcrafted products for the Lowe Maintenance Shop. As there is never anything decent to watch on TV!