Deborah Sheehan

Job Titles:
  • Administrator

Dominic Wilkinson

Job Titles:
  • Professor of Medical Ethics at the University
Dominic Wilkinson is Professor of Medical Ethics at the University of Oxford, and Director of Medical Ethics and Deputy Director at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics. He is a consultant in newborn intensive care at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. He is a senior research fellow at Jesus College Oxford Dominic has published more than 200 academic articles relating to ethical issues in intensive care for adults, children and newborn infants. His edited and co-authored books include 'Pandemic Ethics' (Oxford University Press 2023); ‘Medical Ethics and Law, third edition' (Elsevier 2019); ‘Ethics, Conflict and Medical treatment for children, from disagreement to dissensus' (Elsevier, 2018) (BMA President's Award in 2018 British Medical Association Book Awards). He is also the author of 'Death or Disability? The 'Carmentis Machine' and decision-making for critically ill children' (Oxford University Press 2013) ("the best book of the decade in bioethics... this is a book that must be read by everybody who is seriously interested in the bioethical issues that arise in neonatal intensive care or, more generally, in decision making for children with chronic, debilitating or life-threatening conditions." (John Lantos, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews). He was Editor and Associate Editor of the Journal of Medical Ethics from 2011-2018.

Dr César Palacios-González

Job Titles:
  • Senior Research Fellow in
Dr César Palacios-González is a Senior Research Fellow in Practical Ethics. His research interests include bioethics, philosophy of medicine, neuroethics, and applied philosophy. He is part of the team running the new Masters in Practical Ethics, offered by the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics in the Faculty of Philosophy and the Department for Continuing Education.

Julian Savulescu

Job Titles:
  • Chairman in Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford
  • Professor
Professor Julian Savulescu has held the Uehiro Chair in Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford from 2002 - 2022. He has degrees in medicine, neuroscience and bioethics. He directs the Oxford Martin Programme for Collective Responsibility for Infectious Disease at the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford. He co-directs the interdisciplinary Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities in collaboration with Public Health, Psychiatry and History.

Mr Robert Champion de Crespigny

Job Titles:
  • Chairman, Mineral Securities Limited

Neil Levy

Job Titles:
  • Professor
Professor Neil Levy has wide-ranging research interests, with a recent focus on the role of expertise in society. He has published widely on many topics, ranging from philosophy of mind to bioethics. He has published more than 200 articles in refereed journals, and 10 books, including Bad Beliefs: Why They Happen to Good People (Oxford University Press, 2022) and Philosophy, Bullshit, and Peer Review. (Cambridge University Press, 2023).

Oxford Loebel

Job Titles:
  • Lectures and Research Programme

Parfit-Radcliffe Richards

Job Titles:
  • Senior Research Fellow
  • Senior Research Fellow and Manager of Visitors Programmes for the Oxford Uehiro Centre
Jonathan Pugh is a Parfit-Radcliffe Richards Senior Research Fellow and Manager of Visitors Programmes for the Oxford Uehiro Centre, University of Oxford. He recently led a Wellcome Trust funded project entitled "The Ethics of Novel Therapeutic Applications of Deep Brain Stimulation". His research interests lie primarily in issues concerning personal autonomy in practical ethics, particularly topics pertaining to informed consent. He has also written on the ethics of human embryonic stem cell research, criminal justice, human enhancement, and gene-editing.

Rocci Wilkinson

Job Titles:
  • Deputy Director, Oxford Uehiro Centre Director of Medical Ethics
Dominic Wilkinson is Professor of Medical Ethics at the University of Oxford, and Director of Medical Ethics and Deputy Director at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics. He is a consultant in newborn intensive care at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. He is a senior research fellow at Jesus College Oxford Dominic has published more than 200 academic articles relating to ethical issues in intensive care for adults, children and newborn infants. His edited and co-authored books include 'Pandemic Ethics' (Oxford University Press 2023); ‘Medical Ethics and Law, third edition' (Elsevier 2019); ‘Ethics, Conflict and Medical treatment for children, from disagreement to dissensus' (Elsevier, 2018) (BMA President's Award in 2018 British Medical Association Book Awards). He is also the author of 'Death or Disability? The 'Carmentis Machine' and decision-making for critically ill children' (Oxford University Press 2013) ("the best book of the decade in bioethics... this is a book that must be read by everybody who is seriously interested in the bioethical issues that arise in neonatal intensive care or, more generally, in decision making for children with chronic, debilitating or life-threatening conditions." (John Lantos, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews). He was Editor and Associate Editor of the Journal of Medical Ethics from 2011-2018.

Roger Crisp

Job Titles:
  • Director of the Oxford Uehiro Centre
  • Professor of Moral Philosophy
Roger Crisp, Professor of Moral Philosophy and Uehiro Fellow, taking a cue from the great 19th century Cambridge ethicist Henry Sidgwick, says practical ethics ‘is a debate between egoism (the view that each of us has reason only to advance our own good), consequentialism (according to which we should bring about the best state of affairs), and deontology (which states that there are reasons grounded in more than one's own well-being or the bringing about of the best state of affairs). And each of these views is practical, in so far as it tells us what our ultimate reasons for action are.'

Tom Douglas

Job Titles:
  • Professor of Applied Philosophy
Tom Douglas is Professor of Applied Philosophy based in the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, where he is Director of Research. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at Jesus College, Editor of the Journal of Practical Ethics, and Principal Investigator on the project 'Protecting Minds: The Right to Mental Integrity and the Ethics of Arational Influence', funded by a Consolidator Award from the European Research Council.