Kenton Sprayberry

Job Titles:
  • Director of Operations and Carrier Sales, Was Quoted Saying
"BR Williams values the relationships that we have with our contract carriers. Our qualification standards are among the highest in the industry and allow us to work with a core group of carriers that provide excellent service to our customers. We prefer to create long-term relationships with our carriers instead of dealing with ‘one and done transactions. Our contract carriers are oftentimes the ‘face' of BR Williams and deal directly with our customers at their facilities. Hiring the best carriers allows us to put our best foot forward when handling our customer's freight. These types of carriers also tend to have better safety records and fewer issues overall." To assure the reliability of their service, BR Williams first seeks out carriers whose values align with their own. Their own set of values is based on ensuring the highest level of client service and meeting the needs of every client. They believe in creating a professional relationship with each truck carrier they choose to work with.