ECC GROUP - Key Persons


Job Titles:
  • Chairman
  • RFP ( Chairman )
Chairman, Chris Snyder is a very active members of The Rotary Club of Toronto. Chris has been a member for over 30 years and currently is on the board of the Canadian Landmines Foundation, Street Kids International, Healthy Beginnings, the Rotary Club of Toronto and the Nature Conservancy of Canada (Ont.) and is the coordinator of Sweat Equity trips to the developing world most recently to Tanzania. Chris is a recipient of the Queen's Jubilee Award as well as Rotary's highest honour, the Service Above Self Award.

VICKI LUNGU - President

Job Titles:
  • President
A Bachelor of Science graduate from the University of Bucharest, Romania, Vicki moved to Canada with her daughter in 1995. She joined the ECC Group in 1999 and since then she has obtained the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation.