Primary Contacts

Vasto 66054, Italy

Uncategorised Contacts

Viale Dalmazia, 3 - 66054 Vasto

Other Addresses

Bagnoli del Trigno, Molise, Italy 180
Country house with modern style and inside swimming pool Atessa, Abruzzo, Italy 200
mi 2 - Square Miles yd 2 - Square Yards
Molise Region - 18 min from Lake Castelbottaccio, Campobasso, Molise, Italy
Molise surrounded by greenery Trivento, Molise, Italy 160
Montenero di Bisaccia, Molise, Italy 180
Spacious house with fenced garden and view of the Abruzzo hills Fraine, Abruzzo, Italy 120
the Abruzzo Castiglione Messer Marino, Abruzzo, Italy 490
Viale Dalmazia, 3 Vasto Marina, Italy 66054

Other Phones

(+39) 0873 802344
(+39) 333 2529230